Military/Exmilitary Nudists
Open to all active duty and former military persons who served in a military branch. Who enjoy being nude whenever, wherever and with whomever they can be. Past, Present and Future. SempreFi.
Retired RAAF
Return to DiscussionsHi all, 21 years servive in the RAAF and active tours in Timor, Iraq & Afghanistan. Retired now and enjoyed my time while serving. Nudist most of my life and enjoy the lifestyle and freedom.
- 3 years ago
Welcome to the group!
No idea how many Aussies are here really.
- 3 years ago
Thanks, would be great to hear from other ex serving Aussies, no offence to other nations, we all put our lives on the line for our country. Conditions and support for vets vary greatly though in different countries and would be good to talk to and support Aussies on common ground.
- 3 years ago
Ex army 12 years Timor vet
Live on the sunshine coast
- 3 years ago
Welcome and hi mate.
- 2 years ago