Military/Exmilitary Nudists

Open to all active duty and former military persons who served in a military branch. Who enjoy being nude whenever, wherever and with whomever they can be. Past, Present and Future. SempreFi.

Retired US Army & Air Force

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Hello all i retired from the military aft 12 yrs with the Army and 8 yrs with the Air Force in 2006. Most was National Guard and 9 yrs was active duty. I was deployed all Honduras 1988, Louisina 1991, Teagu, South Korea in 1997, The desert and a few other places. I became a nudist in 1995 while stationed at West Point. I love being a nudist and it is a shame society is not more accepting of it. After all God created us nude and mankind only covered up after sin. I better stop there because that is the top of a very big rabbit whole that can spiral oit of control very easily. I love chatting with fellow nudist and hopefilly meeting someday. Hopefully by then I would have convinced my wife to join in the lifestyle. Never give up hope. Once you do the they have won and i refuse to lose, he he. You all have a great blessed day and hit me up and we can chat anytime.

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RE:Retired US Army & Air Force

Thanks for your service. Appreciate very much.

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RE:Retired US Army & Air Force

God never once asked Adam and Eve if thy had tried the new spring collection of fig leaves. LOL.
Thank you for your service.

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RE:Retired US Army & Air Force

That is an interesting concept and when the leaves dried and shrank during the winter what else did they use.

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