Military/Exmilitary Nudists
Open to all active duty and former military persons who served in a military branch. Who enjoy being nude whenever, wherever and with whomever they can be. Past, Present and Future. SempreFi.
Has anyone here filed a claim with the VA for asbestos exposure? I have been hounded by past shipmates and my tax accountant to file a claim but haven't yet. I've made the initial phone call to get the ball rolling and am waiting for a...
While serving in the Armed Forces ... how did it affect your participation in nudism? Did it hinder your nude time? Did you find time and places to go? Did your military buddies know of your nudist tendancies?
Hello all I am retired Army of 25 years total. Most of which I was a 13 B (Field Artillery)
Been awhile since I checked in here and saw a TN bud just recently joined the group so I thought I would welcome him and say hello to the group..hope everyone is enjoying their Hump Day and happy 4th of July to everyone out there too! Regards, T.
21, M, North Carolina Looking for guys that are willing to watch me jerk off and cum on cam. Add me Skype- totur_allen Snapchat-mkea21 Kik- mkg_97
Hey all! First, thank you all for your service! I think its awesome to have so many service members and vets that are also into this lifestyle! Im a current reservist for the Navy and havent found too many shipmates into this lifestyle at all. I...
I spent most of my active duty career at Langley AFB, VA. Became a nudist while stationed at that base...lots of naked boating and beach time! Love the OBX of NC The military certainly afforded me plenty of opportunities to enjoy nude beaches with...
Hi! 20 years active duty AF. Had some great nude times in England, some naked bass fishing in Georgia (watch out for gators) and a little nude time outdoors in Maine. Skype is fun4usnow160 Happy to chat with others!
The wife and I are planning a trip to Guam this summer and were wondering if anyone knows of any nude beaches near the Navy base. I was there for a port visit in 1991 and a young lady I knew there at the time took me to an isolated beach for a...