Mister B And B Hosting
Place for those who host on Mister B and B to connect with others who are on here and looking to host overnight travelers
Hey guys, visiting Orlando in March and looking for a clothing optional place to stay for a few nights.
Hey there, I'm travelling up the east coast of Australia, stopping in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Whitsundays and Cairns from Feb-April next year. Would love to stay with some nudist hosts. Reach out if you host!
Hi guys! Looking for a host in California near LA in October. I'm going to be out there for a friend's wedding and would love some nude time. Send me a message if you can host or know any hosts. Thanks!
Hey travellers ! Youre welcome in Vienna. Let me know if youre coming
Well situated close to mainline station (Oyster 6 zone). Been hosting for many years here and my previous home - true naturist - guests from UK and abroad - singles, couples , families....
If you plan or wish to visit Athens, feel free to contact me as I might be able to host you!
Hi all. We love meeting new people. We have a room available in the Miami area. All welcome. https://www.misterbandb.com/rooms/23710
I will be in the area for a work assignment and would appreciate a "crash pad" for the evening of 11/14/23. Please message me on TN if you're able to accommodate me. Thank you!
Nudist host in Brisbane Australia - see link here for bookings: https://www.misterbandb.com/rooms/815754