Moon Worshipers
On a recent vacation to Marco Island, Florida, I enjoyed rising early before dawn and walking along the beach. It was still dark enough to assume I was the only person there. There was a waning moon but still just enough light to see where I was going each day(~8 days). From the first day it was evident that the moon has a definite magnitism to it and energy similar to the sun but more subtle. It...
Tonight Friday 13 Full Moon (Africa time). Members, take some pics and post them!
Come on all you Full Moon Worshippers, tonight is Full Moon; let's take some pics of the glorious fat white lady; let's chat, let's post some pics!! Mike.
On a recent vacation to Marco Island, Florida, I enjoyed rising early before dawn and walking along the beach. It was still dark enough to assume I was the only person there. The Moon was waning but provided enough light each morning to walk...