More Naked Than Clothed

If you spend on average more time naked than wearing any clothes then you are welcome to join.

how many hours do you spend nude?

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I figure I spend at least 13 hrs a day nude with the exception of one day a week when I have an evening class. I do however, make up for that on the week ends when I can spend almost the entire 24 without clothing.

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RE:how many hours do you spend nude?

Not as many hours as I would like to be but probly about 12 hours a day and naked all the time on weekends unless my wife makes go outside lol

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RE:how many hours do you spend nude?

I work from home so I'm naked all the time unless I have to go and see a client. I have been lucky enough to have some clients who prefer to do business in the nude so I enjoy those visits.

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RE: how many hours do you spend nude?

I am naked around 22 hrs a day. Unless I have to go out.
I sleep naked. I live live naked.

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RE: how many hours do you spend nude?

I usually spend 22 hours a day in the nude

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RE: how many hours do you spend nude?

Mine is seasonal. 14 hours or so a day on average in warm weather. Probably about 10 when it gets colder.

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RE: how many hours do you spend nude?

I usually spend 22 hours a day in the nude

Do you have relatively little clothing since you rarely wear it?

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RE:how many hours do you spend nude?

I work Wed thru Sun most days I'm nude on average 16 to 17 hours I would days I'm nude 24 hours lol

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RE:how many hours do you spend nude?

I work Wed thru Sun most days I'm nude on average 16 to 17 hours I would days I'm nude 24 hours lol

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RE:how many hours do you spend nude?

For me it can be a few hours to all day. Especially in summer.

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RE:how many hours do you spend nude?

For me, if its warm, I am nude unless at or driving to work. Frequently drive home nude :) Figure thats about 24. In winter, a robe to keep warm, but nude as much as I can. Warm months make up for it!
Weekends I will slip on a pair of shorts if I have to go to town for something, if I must.

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