Mrs Spideys ROOF Group

Mrs needs a porch roof

New developments suggest that there might be technical and engineering reasons why mrs s's roof can't be built where she wants it. Perhaps spidey has been misjudged on this one! Misjudged I tell you!!!!

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RE: Errrrrrrrrrrr

here here it would be a enginering marval if it could be built

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RE: Errrrrrrrrrrr

hhhmm pffffffffffffffffft, i will have a porch roof , i tell you i will have one, it nothing of a job for a an of spideys talents, im sure he can do it, if me a mear femal can figure it out, it cant be that bloody difficult, few bits of 8ft 6 x 3, bracing, and a poly carbonate sheet, few screws and nails, i mean come on boys, how hard can i be.

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RE: Errrrrrrrrrrr

Is with Mrs S all the way!!!

You go girl!!!!!! lol

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Given the engineering problems associated with this project and, despite my sympathies laying with mrs s (no, not that kind of laying! What's the matter with you people????), I am on the verge of quitting this group - quitting I tell you!

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