Murrays Beach Nowra

people who visit Murrays beach and scottish rocks on sth coast ,new south wales australia

I've been there, but...

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I've been to Scottish Rocks and the other one around the corner (name??), 3 times now. Once was last Spring & twice during Summer, all on nice days, yet I have not seen another person on the beach.So thought Hyamms might be more reliable?

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RE: I've been there, but...

Been to those beaches too and never seen other naked people.
My profile pic was taken at Murrays Beach. Love that place!

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RE:I've been there, but...

I haven't been to Murrays Beach in years. I used to go there from time to time. The nudists seemed to gather up the eastern end. The place was better after mid afternoon on a Sunday when all the Sydney folk had headed home.

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