Myrtle Beach SC (The Grand Strand)
Open to anyone who lives in the Myrtle Beach/Grand Strand area of South Carolina or those who visit regularly. If interest is great enough, possibly sponsor meet and greets.
Whispering Pines 2010 Record skinny Dip
Return to Discussionss""The following from the Whispering Pines June Newsletter.I participated in last years event. It was a great day for nudists. I urge everyone to attend this year.Skinny dipping isa tradition as old as mankind and is frequently honored in art and movies. Itcelebrates the natural joy of plunging into water without hindrance of clothing. This year's skinny dip event will focus the attention of the world on the joys of wholesome, happy skinny dipping as an American tradition proudly supported by AANR and recognized by the Guinness World Records
;"The second annual annual skinny dipand open house happens Saturday, July 10 at Whispering Pines! The public is invitedto the open house and to participate in the skinny dip event."Gates open at 10:30 a:m on July 10. You must be inside the gates by 2:00 p:m. The skinny dip event will be at 3:00 p:m along with lots of other fun activites."Last year Whispering Pines had a total of 260 skinny dippers. Worldwide, the total was 13,674./
"Help us break that record!
Please don't take this the wrong way. I'm thrilled someone is doing some marketing for WP.
Each club has a PR person who receives the AANR information on the upcoming July 10th event. That PR person uses Capwiz as well as additional contacts to get the same message out. I thought Gloria was the PR person for Whispering Pines.
I'm just received the template for the individual certificates that clubs will be generating to give to the participants for this year.
If you'll be at WP over that weekend, it would be great to meet you in person.
Best regards, Cheri
The Record Skinny Dip is, in my opinion, is the best way to present nudism in a positive light which we have ever experienced and no opportunity for media coverage should be missed.
The information which I submitted to the media outlets was intended to spark their interest in covering the event. I made it very clear that I was not a member of either AANR or the Whispering Pines Nudist Resort and should not be considered a spokesman for either organization.
I supplied them with links to information at AANR and WP. If there is any duplication of effort, in PR, redundancy is not necessarily a bad thing.
I certainly plan to attend again, this year. I hope we get a chance to say "hello".
I have advised the local TV stations and newspapers of this event.
As a result I receiver the following e-mail and granted a telephone interview on the fun aspects of the event.
Dear Art,
My name is Christina Knauss and I am a writer for Surge Magazine in Myrtle Beach. I was forwarded an e-mail you sent to the editor about the World Skinny Dip event at Whispering Pines on July 10. We are doing a fun advance cover story on the event to let people know about the event. The article will feature fun facts about skinny dipping and hopefully a sidebar on how to maximize your skinny dip experience. I was wondering if you knew anyone who is participating in the upcoming event who might be willing to speak with me or just anyone who might have some fun quotes about skinny dipping. If you have any source ideas, I can be reached at this e-mail address or at (803) 238-****
My deadline is next Friday. Please contact me if you are willing to help! I am having fun with the article and look forward to hopefully hearing from you! It sounds like a fantastic event!!!
Christina Knauss