Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

do you use towels?

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I keep towels handy for sitting on hard chairs and other furniture. Do any of you use towels around your house to sit on?

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RE: do you use towels?

Of course.

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RE: do you use towels?

Only for sittingin my leather recliner - whichin hot and humid climate can otherwise be a bit uncomfortable naked.My naked body (with frequent showers) is probably much cleaner than my clothes would be after travelling on trains and buses and in carsand sitting in other public places (without towel). I don't have any hard chairs and all my furniture upholstery is removable and machine washable.

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RE: do you use towels?

The first thing a nudist learns to do is carry a towel with them. At home we always have towels to sit on.

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RE: do you use towels?

I keep towels handy for sitting on hard chairs and other furniture. Do any of you use towels around your house to sit on?

Yep, we use towels! Always taught that it was good nudist etiquette!

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RE: do you use towels?


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RE: do you use towels?


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RE: do you use towels?

yes did that when i need to answer door and going out to balcony

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RE: do you use towels?

YES!! We use towels to sit on around the house. AND we have many, many towels for others to use as well when they visit. Also, since we have a hot tub -- it's good to have plenty of towels for people to use. Nude Stan & Carol

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RE: do you use towels?

Yes i always do..!!!

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RE: do you use towels?

on the leather furniture yes and also yes if i am having company

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