Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

hi, im rj and new to this site and nudism and want to make some nudist friends. I spend the past 2 days on chat but found nothing but pervs so please no pervs. im straight and friendly and is willing to be friends and talk. :)

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RE: New to Nudism

Hi RJ,
Welcome to the site and to nudism!
Stay naked! :)

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RE: New to Nudism

Welcome RJ....wishing you all the best in 2015 and in this wonderful lifestyle.

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RE: New to Nudism

Hello, welcome to this great lifestyle; stay naked and enjoy!

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RE: New to Nudism

Welcome to TN.

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RE: New to Nudism

Welcome to this good group RJ, lose the clothes and stay awhile. Happy New Year!

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RE: New to Nudism

Welcome, RJ! If you are seriously interested in making friends here I suggest that you spend some time to fill in your profile. That would give folks an opportunity to see whether they and you have interests in common and whether they fit with the type of people that you would like to meet. A lot of people here, myself included, see a blank profile such as yours and move right on along.

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RE: New to Nudism

Hi and welcome to the site were not all pervs i can assure you please feel free to check out my profile and add me as a friend and most importantly have fun x

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RE: New to Nudism

Welcome to home nudism. Sorry about the pervs, they are some everywhere. Enjoy yourself and Happy Nude Year!

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