Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

Nude after work

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I love coming home from work then stripping down to absolutely nothing wearing no underwear when wearing shorts this summer oh the freedom x

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RE:Nude after work

Taking my clothes off after work is my way of stripping away the stress of the day.

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RE:Nude after work

Being nude after work is the best way to end a day

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RE:Nude after work

I agree that stripping completely and staying nude is best.
However, stripping and wearing just gym shorts still feels good and gives some relief after being fully dressed all day when it isn't possible to be nude.

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RE:Nude after work

Best part of wearing clothes is taking them off.

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RE:Nude after work

I am the same way! I love shedding my clothes and being nude in my apartment unless I have to venture into the textile world. I am usually nude from 5:30 pm to 7:45 am on workdays, and all weekend long!

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RE:Nude after work

I am lucky in the fact that my occupation allows me to work from home in the nude. When I do have to do a video conference call though, which is only like 3 times a month, I just throw on a shirt for those moments.

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RE:Nude after work

Might as well not wait to get home. Strip down in the car and make the ride home with the windows down. Thats invigorating.

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RE:Nude after work

Good analogy. Get rid of it all. It needs to go in the wash with the clothes!

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RE:Nude after work

When I worked (before retirement), I always stripped naked as soon as possible after work. Now, unless I have to go somewhere, or have textile company, I just stay nude.

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RE:Nude after work

When I worked (before retirement), I always stripped naked as soon as possible after work. Now, unless I have to go somewhere, or have textile company, I just stay nude.

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