Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

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We had a mild streak last November where I got to catch some head to toe rays The latest i was out there Nov 8th. This week is mild here in Indiana and yesterday March 8th I got to stretch out and catch some head to toe rays! 4 months apart not to shabby for this neck of the woods.

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Might be warm enough here in NJ on Thursday.
I also got some outdoor nude time on warm November days.

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I've gotten a few naked sun days lately.

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Saturday was sunny and 82 Sunday was sunny and 88 yesterday was sunny and 86. Spent several hours outside no tan lines for this guy!

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In Alabama it was 70 yesterday and I loved my first day this year naked in the sun. Today is looking good too

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Might be warm enough here in NJ on Thursday.I also got some outdoor nude time on warm November days.

Did succeed in getting in some outdoor nude time today.
Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer so I should be able to get some more.
Have now been in the yard nude 9 out of 12 months.

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Two weeks ago I was off for the week, had me a couple of days to get some full body sun, first time for me to be nude sunning at the end of February.

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I haven't done any nude sunbathing this year but I have done some naked gardening and I will most likely do no nude sunbathing this year as I am more happy doing naked work than just lying around.

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Living in the Florida panhandle, there have been enough days for me to get started on my base tan. Was able yesterday to get in a half hour, even with the cooler temps and brisk wind.

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Been catching rays all winter herein AZ. At least several days a week. A neighbor lady who walked in on me nude last week, said I can't believe how tanned your legs are, and as I lifted my shorts, said, and it goes all the way up

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I don't do sunbathing but enjoy doing all my garden chores naked whenever possible and it was a joy to do them in the sunshine today, topping up my tan as a side benefit, even though the ait temperature was in single figures.

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