Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

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Nude in the Yard

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Found a semi-blind spot in my yard where I could get naked in the hammock. It is visible from the driveway so I had to keep shorts nearby in case somebody unexpectedly pulled in.

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RE:Nude in the Yard

Back in the early 90's I planted Lilac hedges and other dense shrubs along the road. So I have a full back yard to enjoy. The only issue is some nice day's in the spring and no leaves are not out ;-( I should have planted more arborvitaes. Maybe this is something you could do to claim more of your yard ;-)

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RE:Nude in the Yard

I have a very small space between a row of lilacs a large holly bush against my garage that provides that semi-private space. The duration of sun time in that space is short, but on a hot day it is still nice to lounge in the shade.

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RE:Nude in the Yard

I'm lucky in as much as my back yard is completely private and not overlooked. My neighbours would have to be at the fence and deliberately look over. If they were to look over, tough, serves them right if they see more than they bargained for. So I am always naked out their, relaxing, sunbathing, gardening, watering, working on up-cycling projects.

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RE:Nude in the Yard

I have a good blind spot on my deck. Its very relaxing to sit outside at home when I cant get to a nudist beach or resort.

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RE:Nude in the Yard

Yard is fairly private and out there nude most days. There is one part of the yard that is visible from the neighbour's second floor, but noticed that their blinds are always closed, so been walking around nude is the visible part of the yard since summer started. So far so good!

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RE:Nude in the Yard

Most of my deck is out of sight of the neighbors. There are a few spots that might have a partial view, but so far no problems with being nude.

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RE:Nude in the Yard

Jealous of you guys who can manage it. My backyard is not an option for nudity unfortunately


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RE:Nude in the Yard

My back garden (yard) has only one window looking into it and then only part of it but the room isn't used and she knows I am nude and we do face to face talking while I am nude so no problem and the people on the other side is harder for the to see me.

The front garden is also private but when we had the hot spell in Feb I was far more exposed as all the shrubs against the lane had no leaves on so I could have been seen.

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RE:Nude in the Yard

The back of my house is surrounded by other houses but I planted a ring of tall trees round my back garden (yard). It is totally screened and I can be naked whenever it is warm enough.

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RE:Nude in the Yard

My back yard is mostly private with native shrubs and high fence, one side a bit open, always naked in warm weather. I just have to be careful when one of my neighbour's kids are home.

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