Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

nude electrical work in someone else's home

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in early sept I was hired to do the electrical work in a new addition to a lady's home.i arrived at her home at 7 a.m. on a hot sept. morning,transported all my tools inside and answered a few questions the lady had for me.she was late 30's/early 40's and quite pretty.i quickly went to work drilling holes for my wire runs.being that it was a warm day I stopped to open the windows and noticed her laying in the backyard in a small string bikini.i went on with my work.just before lunch I was drilling overhead when the lady came into the room and asked if I would like something to drink.i asked for cold she turned to walk to the kitchen I noticed that the back of her bikini bottom was a rio cut...almost a thong.when she came back with the water she let me know that if I needed anything that she would be in the yard laying out.i replied that if I wasn't working that id be in my backyard getting sun too.she replied by saying "i hope you don't mind me asking but what do you wear when laying out?a speedo?i noticed you didn't have any tanlines at the bottom of your shorts when you were reaching up overhead"i told her I was a nudist and didn't wear anything.she smiled and asked a few questions about nudism and the went into the backyard again.i informed her that I would be going to lunch soon and she let me know that I should walk around back and use the door to the addition when I came I returned from lunch I noticed she was laying topless and it wasn't her first time because her boobs had the perfect tan like the rest of her body.i went inside and began working wasn't long before I needed to know the number of lights she wanted in the room and if she had any particular placement of the lights so I walked outside to ask her.she seemed a little embarrassed and covered her boobs...I told her I was sorry for startling her and told her she looked nice and had nothing to be embarrassed about...I see this all the time in my boat and at the nudist resorts and beaches I go to.she began asking q's again and this time the q's were a little more personal.she asked if I had ever seen erections or pda' I answered her q's she got more comfortable with me and removed the towel that covered her boobs.then she asked if I had ever done electrical work in the nude and I let her know that I had twice but both times it was for guy friends that were nudists and I had done it in my own home.she just smiled and I went back inside to work.later in the day I noticed she had taken her bottoms off and was laying nude.i couldn't help peeking at her as I worked.soon my work day had ended and I headed home.upon leaving I shouted "see you at 7 tomorrow" and she replied "use the backdoor again-ok".i said I the morning I came back and used the backdoor as instructed.didnt see anyone in the yard and didn't get a response when I said hello as I came I worked I heard her walking towards the room I worked in.she walked in totally nude with sun block in one hand and a towel in the!!! she looked at me and giggled and said "ive been thinking a lot about nude beaches and resorts since we spoke yesterday so I had to see if I could be socially nude in front of someone I didn't sorry for using you to practice on"i informed her it was PERFECTLY OK and that she looked great and would make a nice addition to the nudist lifestyle.she smiled and said "its hot in here so you have my permission to work nude if you like"i informed her that she should be serious when saying that because I never pass up a chance to be free of clothes.she giggled and said ok take em off...I want to see only shoes and your toolbelt on you for the remainder of this job.i quickly stripped off,put my shoes and belt back on and stood there in front of her naked.she giggled and said that's more like it and walked to the kitching to bring me water.for the remainder of the job I worked nude and the entire time she was either nude in the house or in the yard.she and her husband(who is away on business a lot) are nudists now.i see them at one of the resorts I go to and sometimes shes there with a lady friend.whenever we meet she hugs me and says"this is my friend that introduced me to nudism". I hope you liked my story.its something that will stay with me for my entire life

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RE: nude electrical work in someone else's home

Great story, it just shows that some people just need that little nudge to allow them to side into the beautiful world of nudism. Well done on your part.

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RE: nude electrical work in someone else's home

After my FIL passed, we needed to sell the house and move my MIL closer to us. Upon the inspection, before escrow closing, there was a punch list that needed to be completed. I was doing all the "fix it's" and my wife knew I'd be more productive being left alone and allowed to work naked ... so she took her mother shopping for items for the new house and left me alone at my MIL's house to work on the punch list.
Several items had to do with electrical issues. My FIL had a side job as an electrician and was teaching me quite a bit with the intent to go into business together as a side job to our firefighting careers. He got sick and could no longer do most of those things and my training ended with enough knowledge to get me in trouble! :D hahahahaha
At any rate, I was left to do some pretty simple fix it's, including electrical work, and I did the entire punch list, while naked at the house being sold, on three different days. I thanked my wife over and over again for getting her mother outta the house so she would stop pestering and I could work naked! ;-)

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RE: nude electrical work in someone else's home

A great story exhibitionudist. Glad you were able to introduce the lady to nudism and she introduces you as the friend who introduced her to nudism.

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RE: nude electrical work in someone else's home

The best part is that the woman also evangelized a female friend of hers and brought her into the fold as well.

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RE: nude electrical work in someone else's home

Great story.

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RE: nude electrical work in someone else's home

Great story! Must have been great to work there too!

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RE: nude electrical work in someone else's home

always great when someone is introduced to the nudist lifestyle, wouldn't it be great to have a nudist week in society where you could be nude anywhere and those who aren't nudist can see the positive of nudism.

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RE: nude electrical work in someone else's home

Thanks for the me every moment nude is good but this is one of my better ones

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RE: nude electrical work in someone else's home

Thanks for sharing. I read the whole story. I was nice to read and it was good of you to do all you can to bring nudism to others. Most of the people I know, would not approve of me being a nudist. So thanks again for sharing your story.

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RE: nude electrical work in someone else's home

thanks for sharing your boldness to share your nude lifestyle. Nudism needs more ambassadors like you

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