Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

Getting dressed for the house cleaners

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For about 10 years now, every couple weeks several ladies from a cleaning service come to our house to clean for a couple hours. They have a key and several times them have almost surprised me and come into to the house to work when I was naked. So far, they have not caught me naked but have come close.
At first they seemed a bit uncomfortable just having a man in the house while they were working. They have gotten over that and seem very comfortable with me in the house puttering or just getting out of their way. I would love to be able to stay naked while they are here, but don't want to upset them or the managers of their service. Any suggestions on how to broach the subject?

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RE: Getting dressed for the house cleaners

If they were uncomfortable at first with just a male being around it might be a little dicey asking about being nude. You could call the manager and ask, but then they might get the perception that you're a sexual deviant. Or an exhibitionist. Or just plain kinky. There might be a way to word your call so you sound genuine, but it would be touch and go.
I would say as an alternative call and ask for a firm appointment time. That way you can be prepared. A guy over at Net Nude has exact windows of time for service people and they are not allowed to show up at any other.

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RE: Getting dressed for the house cleaners

For about 10 years now, every couple weeks several ladies from a cleaning service come to our house to clean for a couple hours. They have a key and several times them have almost surprised me and come into to the house to work when I was naked. So far, they have not caught me naked but have come close.At first they seemed a bit uncomfortable just having a man in the house while they were working. They have gotten over that and seem very comfortable with me in the house puttering or just getting out of their way. I would love to be able to stay naked while they are here, but don't want to upset them or the managers of their service. Any suggestions on how to broach the subject?why would you want to? surely behaving appropriately is the adult thing to do?

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RE: Getting dressed for the house cleaners

There are three options: 1 Call the agency telling them you are a nudist and asking if the cleaners will mind. 2 Let them catch you naked, say coming out of the shower, and judge their reaction, and 3 Clean the place yourself. Doing housework in the nude is fun and there is nobody to worry about. Option 1 or 2 might lead to option 3 but naked cleaning really is fun and if you let it slit - who cares!

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RE: Getting dressed for the house cleaners

Got to hide this topic from the wife, that's for sure!! Who can afford several women a few hours every week to clean?!? She will hound me to death to get HER a maid.

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RE: Getting dressed for the house cleaners

Got to hide this topic from the wife, that's for sure!! Who can afford several women a few hours every week to clean?!? She will hound me to death to get HER a maid.LOL! Too funny! I'd justify one if I could! I hate cleaning!

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RE: Getting dressed for the house cleaners

You may want to try a naked cleaning service.Heck I can't afford the clothed ones and now yo want me to get a naked one?! Who's side you one? mutters as he walks away.."Their trying to drive me to the poorhouse!"

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RE: Getting dressed for the house cleaners

We have had a 'cleaning ladies' for the past 20 years or so in three different houses. We have told them when we have first metthat we are nudists, and particularly in the summer months they might find us naked in the house or garden. They frequently have seen us naked and it has never been a problem for any of them.

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RE: Getting dressed for the house cleaners

We have a cleaning lady that comes in on a Monday for a few hours, the wife is not a nudist and so when the girl comes over though I am usually naked at home I will put on a T and shorts or just my dressing gown, our cleaning girl knows that I am a naturist and that I go to the beach in summer without a bathing suit and she is cool with it and I am sure she would not mind if I was naked whilst she was here but the wife would not like it (3000 years of religious conditioning about the body being something dirty kicking in) so I cover up mainly for the wife's benefit and to avoid ear ache of course....I don't have cleaning people but sometimes the super needs to come in to my apartment. A couple of months ago I had a safety inspection and he had to let the inspector in. And he needs to get in if I have a maintenance issue. The problem is it can be anytime during the day and I work from home so I can't get up to answer the door if I'm on a phone call. But since he has a key he just lets himself in if I can't come to the door. So on those days when I know the super needs to get in I just go textile.

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RE: Getting dressed for the house cleaners

I own a company that does both domestic and commercial cleaning.
I would not be happy to send my staff into a home if the customer was naked. As an employer I have obligations in providing a certain working environment for my staff. If a customer were to call me and ask this question I would advise that the cleaners would not be obliged to enter the house if the customer were nude.
Personally I have no issue with nudity (obviously) but you have to understand that your home becomes their work environment and nudity in the work setting would be, for most, unwelcome. Trust me here, good staff are far harder to find than new customers. As someone else has said I would either take the cleaning days as an opportunity to do something else or if being nude at home on those days is really important to you then advertise for a local, private cleaner and be upfront that you are likely to be naked before they agree to take the job.

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RE: Getting dressed for the house cleaners

Maybe we are lucky. We were upfront about being nudists with the service when we hired them. The first visit was a bit awkward, but they got over it quick. For the last 10 years we have had the same people come once a week on Wednesdays and we always stay naked. No problems at all.

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