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Cannabis and nudism:

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I would like to know how people view cannabis on this website.
We are all Openly doing things that are illegal in certain situations(being nudists) so I kind of assumed and unspoken acceptance... I was wrong.
I had someone on this website tell me they wouldn't friend me because I use drugs. Well, I know they were referring to cannabis, but it made me ask a few questions of my own.
Does this person use caffeine, nicotine, aspirin, ibuprofen, alcohol? And if they don't I would really want to friend them so I can understand how to get through life without these things.
And the shame is, this person didn't take the time to realize, that I use cannabis instead of the half a dozen grade A narcotics that I was prescribed when I fell off of the roof and landed myself in a wheelchair.
If and that, when I find a better way, I will probably quit cannabis.

I'm truly interested in everyone's point of view on the subject.

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RE:Cannabis and nudism:

Not being a user or weed I as well don't condemn anyone. When I was younger my wife and myself would use it some and I always found it work add to the thrill of our sex encounter and add to the sensations. It as well would help help us try some things that we didn't think we would ever try. More experimental I guess. We were never nudist at this , however these day I'm extremely into nudism. But I wouldn't link these 2 items together in any way.

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RE:Cannabis and nudism:

Im definitely all about cannabis! Im also all about nudism and bromances and is gay. Sounding like a rebel right now. But what I am really trying to say here is, not all things that are illegal are bad for you. Laws and rules are only set because the person/people making them have a negative connotation about them. Some even fear them. But if you actually take the time to do your research on matters before deciding what is bad for you then you can be able to gain a degree of freedom and control over your own life.

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RE:Cannabis and nudism:

I am glad cannabis is being legalized because it seems to be less habit forming or harmful than alcohol and the state can use the tax money. I am a moderate drinker but prefer fresh air over smoke. I've never felt comfortable with cannabis since it's been distributed through organized crime and unregulated, so I have taken a pass personally without looking down at others who choose to enjoy it.
I don't see any connection between cannabis and nudism. I honestly can't say if I have more beer wearing shorts, long pants or no pants.

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RE:Cannabis and nudism:

There is no connection between using cannabis and being a nudist. And in the UK being naked is not a crime, it's only a problem if you cause someone distress with being naked. I've walked naked and am able to cover up in under 10 seconds if needed, also I practice Tai chi naked in my garden as well as hang up the laundry, lie in the sun etc. As long as you are aware of the surroundings you are ok. Cannabis is unrelated to nudity.

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RE:Cannabis and nudism:

It's a discussion that has been going on from the beginning of time!

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RE:Cannabis and nudism:

I guess if I am suggesting anything. It is to make your own decisions.
Before I switched to cannabis I personally researched options. Comparing things like cocaine and heroin to marijuana shows a bit of ignorance.
As far as drawing lines. I personally feel it's a matter of natural selection. If you want to self medicate using something that is highly volatile and can kill you that's your choice. If you want to use something that your body creates naturally and stimulates those receptors. That should be your choice.
If you want to blindly believe Western medicine is the best, that should be your choice.
Just like many of us feel about nudity, it should be your choice.

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RE:Cannabis and nudism:

The old saying, "It's only illegal if you get caught." comes to mind. My brother smokes, let's say, on a medicinal level. He used to ride his motorcycle from Michigan to Alaska each year to get fat pound of some of the best pot grown in the US. He knew all the ways around border patrols. That pound was his year's supply. He is smart, self-taught, and worked in a field where exacting measurements and tolerances were required.

My wife suffers from chronic pain. She would love to at least try CBD oil. She does not want to smoke it. But she has had others with her same inflictions say it is a miracle. Her doctors won't even look into asian medicine, much less medical mary-jane.

It is a wonder that it is so hard to legalize because pharmaceutical companies stand to lose their huge profits from drugs that, arguably, do not work or have worse side effects than if you didn't take them at all. Just my humble opinion.

On to the question. In the 60's and 70's one could correlate marijuana use with nudism thanks to the hippies/flower children. They were nature lovers. Nudists are nature lovers. Ergo the correlation, I believe. Either that or I am just high! :D

Regardless, everyone has their own opinion. The problem is, some seem to inject their beliefs on others even though the actions of those others have no effect on the opinionated one.

I go and hike nude in a large forest preserve. I hike back were very few go and I can easily see someone approaching from a safe distance. Am I hurting that person. No. But, if they were to find out that people freehike in the forest preserve, they will take offence even though they have not seen it themselves. Maybe I am going out on a tangent. Maybe not. Just my two centavos...

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RE:Cannabis and nudism:

The stereotype remains and you will have a uphill battle for a while. Cannibus is becoming more common place and legal in many areas. Here is Texas at Hippie Hollow I smell it sometimes (I don't personally use) but really not much. I don't personally care and would agree being a nudist as a sometimes also illegal activity kinda makes its use even. Let you know when I attend some nudist parties to see what really happens.

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RE:Cannabis and nudism:

If you go to the clothing-optional beaches on the Seattle side of Lake Washington on any day that there are several people there , you would most definitely find folks smoking weed. Nobody blinks an eye and nobody cares.

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RE:Cannabis and nudism:

. Cannibus is becoming more common place and legal in many areas. Here is Texas at Hippie Hollow I smell it sometimes

Is that how Hippie Hollow got its name?

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