Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

How do u all sleep

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Is there anything better than sleeping with nothing on

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RE:How do u all sleep

Sleeping naked is by far the best, only thing beating that is sleeping next to my wife also naked
In my opinion people who sleep naked together are more likely to stay together - it's the wonderful non-sexual intimacy of waking up naked together that is the best.

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RE:How do u all sleep

Naked of course, only way I can get comfortable in bed no matter what the weather is. If it's cold add an additional blanket on top, if it's warm take it off. Been sleeping nude since I was a kid of about 8 or 9 and mum finally gave up and accepted that I was following my dad and pj's were out for both of us. Probably was a blessing for her as I remember the washing machine was a single tub with a twin roller wringer so any reduction in washing was a help LOL.

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RE:How do u all sleep

I sleep very well, thank you.

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RE:How do u all sleep

Is there anything better than sleeping with nothing on

YES!! Sleeping naked hugged up to a loved one sleeping naked Too.

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RE:How do u all sleep

Growing up in a textile home, I always wore pajamas to bed. As an adult, I began regularly sleeping in my briefs. Over the years, I tried sleeping nude a few times but wasn't comfortable with it. However, last June I tried social nudity and fell in love with it. Naturally I began sleeping naturally. Being a northeaster confined to primarly at home nudity for the winter, I began increasing the amount of time spend naked around the house. I now sleep nude every night and remain that way when I wake up. I don't get dressed until I have to leave the house.

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RE:How do u all sleep

Growing up in a textile home, I always wore pajamas to bed. As an adult, I began regularly sleeping in my briefs. Over the years, I tried sleeping nude a few times but wasn't comfortable with it. However, last June I tried social nudity and fell in love with it. Naturally I began sleeping naturally. Being a northeaster confined to primarly at home nudity for the winter, I began increasing the amount of time spend naked around the house. I now sleep nude every night and remain that way when I wake up. I don't get dressed until I have to leave the house.

How high do you have to keep the heat to be comfortable naked around the house?

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