Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

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How long? If you are home over a lunch hour do you dine nude or keep your clothes on? What is the minimum length of time that you need to plan on being home for you to get naked while there? For me during the summer months since normally the only things I am wearing is a pair of shorts, a shirt and a pair of Crocs pretty much anytime home i strip off as I enter the door if not before. Winter, due to temp levels , it sort of depends on if the furnace has it warm enough for nude time.
What patterns do you all have?

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

Typically, when home from work, after greeting Annie and Stevie Ray, I'm in the bedroom stripping down.Occasionally she will ask me if I will wear some clothes, that she prefers not to see me naked all the time! :((Annie, that is not Stevie Ray, the cat prefers Me naked!)Sometimes I'll continue to wear my clothes for a while when I come home, just to give her a different visual, meanwhile, my skin is crawling to shed my fabric.If I'm home all day and get the request for textile coverings, it's minimal. I'll wear my tan through shorts and just slip them on and off so I can satisfy her request when were together, then they slip off quickly as soon as I go on my way.It used to be, she would ask me to be dressed for the day.Guess she knows that what she thought was a fleeting fad for me is now a lifestyle change and has succumb to my new naked life, forever.A little textile now and then is a small price to pay to keep her happy.Funny, she's still "all in" when we go to Cypress!
We have gotten to the point in my house, that if we are alone in warm weather and I have clothes on, my wife will ask me if I am getting ready to go out. She is fine with me being nude most of the time at home, even though she rarely is.

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

I have to be home for more than a lunch break to strip only because what I have to wear to work.

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

If I'm going to be home more than half an hour I'm usually nude. I start getting nude as soon as I get to the living room from the back door,

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

In the door; OFF with the clothes! I'm a minimalist so I put on as little as possible. Easy on; easy off.Stay naked n happy!Jay

Does that mean that you are often down to just shorts by the time you get home?

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

as soon as I walk in that door, everything comes off. Then I go pack the groceries away etc. I have got to the point where I physically feel uncomfortable having clothes on.

I do that too. Carry the last bag of groceries in,, drop the shorts on the kitchen floor, and start putting the food away.
Shirt and shoes came off in the store's parking lot,

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

I should clean the stuff out of the garage so my car would fit, Then I could leave my shorts in the car and come in nude!

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

Usually as soon as I get in the door.

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

Typically, when home from work, after greeting Annie and Stevie Ray, I'm in the bedroom stripping down.Occasionally she will ask me if I will wear some clothes, that she prefers not to see me naked all the time! :((Annie, that is not Stevie Ray, the cat prefers Me naked!)Sometimes I'll continue to wear my clothes for a while when I come home, just to give her a different visual, meanwhile, my skin is crawling to shed my fabric.If I'm home all day and get the request for textile coverings, it's minimal. I'll wear my tan through shorts and just slip them on and off so I can satisfy her request when were together, then they slip off quickly as soon as I go on my way.It used to be, she would ask me to be dressed for the day.Guess she knows that what she thought was a fleeting fad for me is now a lifestyle change and has succumb to my new naked life, forever.A little textile now and then is a small price to pay to keep her happy.Funny, she's still "all in" when we go to Cypress!
How did you convince your wife to go to a clothing optional resort?
Would be great if I could get my wife to come to one with me!

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

I should clean the stuff out of the garage so my car would fit, Then I could leave my shorts in the car and come in nude!

Highly recommended. That way your shorts come off at the start of the journey, not the end :D

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

Within a few minutes after getting in the door. Wish I could always be nude.

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