Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

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How long? If you are home over a lunch hour do you dine nude or keep your clothes on? What is the minimum length of time that you need to plan on being home for you to get naked while there? For me during the summer months since normally the only things I am wearing is a pair of shorts, a shirt and a pair of Crocs pretty much anytime home i strip off as I enter the door if not before. Winter, due to temp levels , it sort of depends on if the furnace has it warm enough for nude time.
What patterns do you all have?

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

I have to force myself to think of any outdoor chores that need doing in plain sight, such as checking the mailbox, or adding scraps to the compost beside the neighbours fence, and then I am an immediate Donald Duck until I can settle into the next phase. I just find pants hot, constricting, aggravating and uncomfortable.

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