Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
During this crisis
Return to DiscussionsIf you exclude 4 total hours for going to physical therapy sessions, it's been 7 continuous days. Going back from there, it was 8 clothed hours (flying home from Arizona) after 5 naked days in the sun. So I guess it's been 11 1/2 of the past 12 days. :-)
If you exclude 4 total hours for going to physical therapy sessions, it's been 7 continuous days. Going back from there, it was 8 clothed hours (flying home from Arizona) after 5 naked days in the sun. So I guess it's been 11 1/2 of the past 12 days. :-)
96% nude for 12 days and 97.6% for 7. Impressive!
When do you thing you will need to get dressed and buy something?
Now that I work from home I'm naked pretty much all the time. However, I can't claim continuous nudity as I have to dress to go shopping, and to drive steam trains (definitely not doing that naked) and the odd trip into the office.
I'd love to be able to do that naked but it would not be approved of. I do manage the drive each way naked but that's because they don't know :)
Our grandson is spending a lot of time here because his school is closed and his father, mother, stepfather and other grandmother are all working. I am therefore nude less than usual.
However, I wore shirts less than usual because I had fewer places to go and haven't worn long pants in over 4 months!