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Pool or darts
Return to DiscussionsOnly played darts when I was a kid and never knew the rules, just threw the darts at the board.
When I read "pool" I was thinking swimming -- not billiards -- and was going to say that love being in water, particularly if I'm nude.
Then I realized you meant table, cue sticks, pockets, balls, and all that.
And, well, never played much pool either.
I'm not too keen on sharp objects, so, I'll go with pool.
This is just me. I have shot darts with a few that were spose to be very good. One even had a dart store . It bored me but I played along and I never thought it more than a big yawn to me but I did play along in the moment. Of course there are pro dart players and all good to them. If a goof ball like me can come out on top of those that play weekly heck I don't get it. The whole thing frankly bores the heck out me.
well here is a big fat secret. I beat a tournament player more than once with this strategy.... Hit the bullseye of the board.Problem solved ! :DWhat does that do? Automatic win?
Not if you are playing 501 up with the usual doubles rule unless you had exactly 50 left. I usually end up in the madhouse with 3 on the chalkboard.