Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

For everyone at home during the colder winter months, what do you do if you start getting cold? Clothes are a last resort, and an almost non-option, really. So what do you all do? Turn up the heat? Grab a blanket? I'm curious how you stay warm!

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RE:Winter Dilemma

Pretty much, when I'm home, I'm nude. If I start to feel a chill in winter, I'll turn the heat up to 70-72 from the low of 66-68. I've wasted more money on other things than I spend on the heating bill.

The other thing I've noticed is that when I'm clothed I can stand lower temperatures.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

I tend to turn the central air up to a comfortable 73-74 to be nude, if my wife turns it down (menopause) I grab my winter robe.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

For me, I check to see what's wrong with my heating unit, otherwise it SHOULD be warn enough already.That depends on how cold is the winter in your area.

Why did you feel the need to post this twice?

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RE:Winter Dilemma

For me, I check to see what's wrong with my heating unit, otherwise it SHOULD be warn enough already.That depends on how cold is the winter in your area.Why did you feel the need to post this twice?

I have occasionally accidentally double clicked when posting and wound up with a double post. When I notice it later, I delete on of them.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

She's always warm/hot and I'm always cool/cold. Polar opposites to the end! We find a compromise in Winter with heating the house. I may have to slip on a lightweight robe or flannel shirt and some socks but don't have to get dressed. She will slip on her Cuddleduds and we wear these things until we both warm up enough to take them off. The inside house temp is usually around 67-68 and we seem comfortable enough with that temp to live our lives as we do in Summer.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

I have a space heater that could heat up Hell.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

My house is normally set at 68 during the day and 62 at night so I am usually warm enough to be naked at home. However during the last 2 days with the winter storm and high winds I felt cool and turned the heat up to 72. I always sleep nude but if i feel cool during the day I may throw on jeans and a tee shirt. I'm always freeballing though. Can't stand to wear underwear anymore.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

I'm lucky enough to have no such dilemma. My wife feels the cold, even when clothed, and so the house temperature is always OK for my nudity.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

Put on some socks.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

Put on some socks.

Might need a third sock, depending on what gets cold.

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