Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Winter Dilemma
Return to DiscussionsFor everyone at home during the colder winter months, what do you do if you start getting cold? Clothes are a last resort, and an almost non-option, really. So what do you all do? Turn up the heat? Grab a blanket? I'm curious how you stay warm!
We usually wear a robe or wrap of some sort that lets us still be exposed and a mostly nude feeling around the house, dont pay to crank the heat up extra...too expensive
I live in a cold climate and have to balance two values--not wasting energy and preferring nudity. I spend a lot of time at home this year. On cold cloudy days I wear sweats doing sedentary things (which is almost all the time!). But when the sun shines on the south facing patio door I might get some naked time just basking in it. Summer will return eventually (sigh).
When my sons moved out, I had to up the furnace as well
Then they were not comfortable with you being nude around them?
Our adult son lives with us and he is not either.
I do cover for planned activities, dinner, playing a game, etc.
However, for incidental encounters and if he happens to look out the window when I am on the deck or in the pool, he knows that I am likely to be nude and accepts it reluctantly.
Other than sleeping, showering, shaving and exercising, I am rarely nude in the colder months. I don't want to spend the money or generate the CO2 that would result from keeping the house warm enough to be nude. In most years, we go somewhere warm for at least 3 weeks in the winter and I am generally nude in our room or apartment when we are there.
Ah, somebody on my wavelength! Thanks for your post.