Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Winter Dilemma
Return to Discussions. I do go back and delete the duplicate posting though.
I do too when I see that has happened. I think some folks believe if they delete one they will delete all of them, so they end up leaving all the duplicated posts no matter how many it is. I sometimes see 5,6, or even 7 identical posts one after the other on here.
Well this last week it was -36 C in Calgary. I keep the temperature at a comfortable level so I can be naked. Problem is, when the sun goes down the windows radiate the cold and I end up with serious shrinkage! I raise the thermostat a few extra degrees if necessary. It doesnt cost that much for the extra heat and I hate having to put on clothes at home!
Well this last week it was -36 C in Calgary. I keep the temperature at a comfortable level so I can be naked. Problem is, when the sun goes down the windows radiate the cold and I end up with serious shrinkage! I raise the thermostat a few extra degrees if necessary. It doesnt cost that much for the extra heat and I hate having to put on clothes at home!
With the windows, I built wood frames with 1"x 2" s. They have 1/4"gap all the way around when slid into the window sill. The frames are covered on both sides with shrink window film. Then Sticky backed foam on all edges to fill the gaps, for a tight seal to the window sill. This creates two dead air spaces. These have lowered the LP consumption by well over 1/3. Current outdoor temp is -18f, the non contact thermometer shows the inside of the exterior wall at 67f, and the window film at 51f. When I first set these up the bare glass of the double paned windows was 35 at 0 f outside temp. The sliding glass patio door is covered in bubble wrap against the glass and is currently showing 50f.
With the windows, I built wood frames with 1"x 2" s.
WOW, that brings back good memories! Back when I was in the single digits Mom made frames like that for the aluminum casement windows in the kitchen one day while Dad was at work because the aluminum frosted upon the inside! That weekend Dad made some fancier frames for the windows in the other room, but Mom's stayed in place all that winter in the kitchen.
Thanks for the memories!
Thanks to the milder winters down south here, I just turn the heat up to stay fully nude during the winter. It's worth the extra few months of higher costs to live the way I always dreamed of living!
Your talk of mild winters reminds me that this is the most snow we've had here in South Wales for seral years.