Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

For everyone at home during the colder winter months, what do you do if you start getting cold? Clothes are a last resort, and an almost non-option, really. So what do you all do? Turn up the heat? Grab a blanket? I'm curious how you stay warm!

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RE:Winter Dilemma

We live in a nudist paradise (Mesa AZ) rarely cold during the day and so it is a non-issue for us. We like to sleep with cool temps so that works out well here as it does cool down after dark in the winter. I have been nude all day and spent 5 1/2 hours working in the yard. Don't want my tan to fade.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

Just keep on moving around - all you can do.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

I have no dilemma, I'm glad to say.
My wife stays warmly clothed at home and I find that the indoor temperature which she needs is perfectly OK for me to be totally naked.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

yes, I just turn up the heat. I'm fortunate I run my heat pumps on solar so there is no electric bill for the heat.

Nice to stay nude in the winter.

come over and chat with us

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RE:Winter Dilemma

yes, I just turn up the heat. I'm fortunate I run my heat pumps on solar so there is no electric bill for the heat.Nice to stay nude in the winter.come over and chat with us

I would be interested in hearing more about that.

I built a small hot air collector that combined with the south facing windows on a sunny day will keep the propane furnace from kicking in between 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. It does keep the furnace off longer on mild days, when the house temp gets up to 75 or 76, it takes longer to cool down to the 68 setting on the thermostat.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

North Texas isnt too terribly cold most winters but it isnt south Florida either. I keep the heater at 70 and use a blanket if necessary. Summer is my favorite season by far.

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RE:Winter Dilemma

We are in the Florida panhandle and usually experience mild winters. The cold front that just came through dropped the first overnight temp down to low 40s but it quickly warmed back up. Its been in the mid 70s for several days so we cant complain. We keep the heat around 68F and sleep under blankets at night when needed. I suspect February will call for a slight change in plans. Right now, our front door is open and there is a very nice breeze blowing. Doesnt get much better!

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