Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

So far this year

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We are a week into the new year and i pondered today how little i have been clothed so far. Had a few textiled friends here for 4 hours on Jan 1, then had about 3 hours each day of errands on Mon, Tues, and Weds . But other than that the most i have had on is an open shirt and Crocs.
So at 162 hours in 2022 so far my clothed time is about 13 hour. And we have had some of the coldest days this winter this week.!

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RE:So far this year

Ive never been a fan of winter and now that I am a nudist I absolutely hate it! I dont know how people up north survive it. I live in north Texas so winter is short but times like now I still think of moving to south Florida or the Caribbean.

If you are willing to move a long distance to increase your nude time, you may want to consider the Canary Islands.
Someone on another board posted that after he retired, he and his partner moved to the Canary Islands. They found that it was nude friendly, even in many places that were not officially clothing optional. This included driving almost anywhere, some shops, cafes and taverns. A wrap was accepted in many places where he couldn't be nude, and when he did have to get dressed he wore a kilt. Last time he posted he only had one pair each of pants and shorts and haven't worn either in over 2 years!
Sounds about as good as it can get for a nudist!

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RE:So far this year

If you are willing to move a long distance to increase your nude time, you may want to consider the Canary Islands. I vacationed there in 2011. Lovely islands. They cater to N Europeans and part of Spain. Everything is in Spanish German and English. Weather is warm springlike year round . Great nude beach on southern tip of Grande Canaria

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RE:So far this year

If you are willing to move a long distance to increase your nude time, you may want to consider the Canary Islands. I vacationed there in 2011. Lovely islands. They cater to N Europeans and part of Spain. Everything is in Spanish German and English. Weather is warm springlike year round . Great nude beach on southern tip of Grande Canaria

Did you find the island accepting of nudity in unexpected places also?

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