Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Are there times...

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Are there times where you feel more nude than other times? Obviously, you feel less nude when you have clothes on...that's not what i mean...
I usually only wear flip flops around the house, but the times I walk around barefooted, I feel more naked, more vulnerable. Anyone else feel like that?

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RE: Are there times...

over the past few years i have had the pleasure of joining a group naked walk on Bodmin moor down in Cornwall. we walk close to 9 miles, and virtually the entire way we are naked. the experience is amazing, as we walk past all those ancient stone circles and it feels almost magical. i feel a little vulnerable, but it feels so good and so natural. it puts life into perspective when you are naked in such a wide open space. That is when i feel most naked and i love it.

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RE: Are there times...

It's being in the outdoors for me when I feel the most naked. My neighbours on both sides and the the one behind are all not nudists and for me the sit outside in the nude can be a bit uncomfortable sometimes knowing that they are home and might see me. But being the trooper that I am, that does not detour me from enjoying my backyard and the sun. A big screen house with curtains on three side and a clear polarized roof and now they can do as they please, as I do. Only trouble is, you never know when someone is going to walk through the gate. Towel always at the ready.
Stay naked Folks!!

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RE: Are there times...

If I've been away somewhere when the only chances to be nude are when sleeping or showering, as soon as I get home or elsewhere that nudity is fine I am nude as soon as possible. That's when I can feel more nude, the simple joy of naked freedom feels stronger when its not been possible for a while. I live nude at home and socialise quite a lot with other nudists, I'm very used to being naked, returning to being nude feels wonderful, something I'm lucky to be able to take for granted mostly.
Others have mentioned about being the only one nude amongst others who are wearing some clothing. I understand that feeling but it seems to have gone for me. After many situations where I've been the only nude person - first or last nude at the beach, a cool evening at a nudist venue when most have donned some textiles, nude at home with textile visitors - I'm very used to these situations and take them for granted. I do recall in the past appreciating the freedom to be nude amongst non-nudes, nowadays I don't really think about being the only nudist still nude.

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