Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

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Aircraft flying overhead

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How does everyone deal with General Aviation aircraft flying
over when naked in the backyard?

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

Doesn't bother us a bit. If the pilot or passengers happen to see a bare ass from 2000 ft, good for them. There are many small private planes including my brother in law who fly around here. I haven't and don't expect to hear any complaints.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

We are near a small airport and in a landing pattern. Even my wife got to ignoring the planes. I only much pay attn to check if it's one of my customers plane which would not be such a good thing. A few years ago there was a plane that made numerous passes through out the day flying lower than usual. My buddy hangers his plane at that airport so I mentioned it to him. I described the plane and told him the fly overs happen to be when we were naked in the backyard. He said he hasn't heard any talk of anything so I chalk planes flying over to no biggie.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

How does everyone deal with General Aviation aircraft flyingover when naked in the backyard?You're being paranoid. Piloting some in the past, I'll tell you, there isn't much you can make out from even just a few hundred feet up as a pilot. You're just a body in the yard. Sit up and no worries. Now, if the plane is doing training for 'turns around a point', and you're the center of the turn, then you may have to worry... fat chance of that.Now choppers are a different story andThen today we have to be concerned about drones, more and more.If the only way they can see you is from the airplane, or chopper, or with a drone, then you are fine, and they are in the wrong and breaking the law. Keep a camera handy is all I can say in case you feel they are spying on you guys.I'd check Google maps though if you're really worried.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

General aviation, military aviation and law enforcement aviation. The police helicopter flies overhead quite frequently and is probably the lowest flying aircraft we encounter. We've been out back and naked, as usual, and they've circled but then fly on by. They have circled the area numerous times while on incidents in our area or for whatever reason, and I've yet to have a cop car show up at our front door. They've even flown by when we've had our friends here and the 4-6 of us have been naked in the backyard and lying out or walking around.
Military helicopters and jets fly over daily, once in the morning and then in the evening. Sometimes they flew by mid day but they are usually too high to see anything or if they do ... those are some pretty powerful binoc's they are using! :D
General aviation, small planes fly by all the time and we, most times, don't even pay attention to them because the pass over so frequently.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

Even when I go to the beach there are always light aircraft and helicopters flying over, doesn't bother me at all.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

I look at it this way, could you see what the people on the place were wearing or not wearing at that speed and distance (if the plane were clear or whatever)? I sincerely doubt it and the people on the plane usually have very restricted views of anything below them. Also if they did see and had an issue they would have to figure out your street and address out of allege area they are covering. Way too much trouble. You are more likely to be seen by google earth satellites and even those are not detailed enough.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

At Fraternity Snoqualmie we have parasailers jumping off the mountain above us. They routinely fly over the park much lower than any powered aircraft. We just look up and wave. Be friendly, it drives 'em nuts.

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What a silly post

The question is badly thought out. How high are the aircraft? Probably 1000-2000 ft (300-600m). What could you see of a a person's genitals at a distance of 300 yards (for US readers, about 270m for metricated readers) ?
Think it through and post a sensible question, not a silly one!

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RE: What a silly post

If they are THAT desperate to see me nude,they are pretty darn hard up to look at something.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

I'm a pilot, trust me, they they can't make out your naked bits you are barely noticeable and they are busy flying, even at the minimum altitudes they have to be at they are at 500 ft, unless they are taking off or landing, in Which case they are to busy taking off and landing to care, and they probably don't care anyways,if they are voyeurs then they picked the most expensive and least effective way to see someone naked.

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