Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

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Aircraft flying overhead

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How does everyone deal with General Aviation aircraft flying
over when naked in the backyard?

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

To the comments about Google maps, I think it would be a great conversation starter if their satellite view showed me nude on the back deck and someone I know happened to see. I'd freely admit it's who I am and what I do, any questions, and invite them to join me anytime.Google maps satellite view only just shows my pond, so I doubt they'd see me naked

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

We know some people who have a light aircraft who often fly locally along the coast here, which includes nude beaches we use. They've said they can't really see much more than the fact that there are people on the ground. We've seen their plane on the ground so we know what to look out for, but haven't spotted it yet while we're nude outside.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

I personally don't have a problem with aircraft, We were at a nudist resort and there were several low flying passes by a small plane. All we did was wave at them as they flew by. We don't know if they saw anything or not nor did we really care.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

How does everyone deal with General Aviation aircraftflying over when naked in the backyard?
It seems as though most people here have never been in an
aircraft. As a person with a Civil Air Patrol Master Observer
rating, the highest in the organization, and 130 flight sorties,
averaging 3 hours each, I can say that, even at the 300' altitude
where we fly in search configuration, it is very difficult to
determine whether a person is, or is not, wearing clothes. We have
difficulty determining whether a pile of trash is, actually, the
remains of something as large as an aircraft. At the 1000' minimum
required altitude over populated areas where light aircraft fly
(and most fly much higher in the 3000-7000' area), you cannot see
people, other than as, possibly, moving dots on the ground. A
pilot alone in an aircraft is busy enough keeping the bird in the
air and going where he wants that he is not oogling y'all, naked in
your chair. Hot air balloons could be another story. Many fly in our area as low as 100'. We have talked with them as they float over.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

I live by the end of Birmingham Airport runway and have been nude in the garden many times and never had a complaint yet. Light aircraft and helicopters fly low and nothing said.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

I'm on a flightpath for a nearby airport. Planes that fly over are low. When I first started being nude on my backyard I covered myself when they flew over, but there are so many I decided not to worry about it. I really doubt they can see me clearly enough anyway. Who knows, maybe they're flying naked!

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

How does everyone deal with General Aviation aircraft flyingover when naked in the backyard?I live by an airport and the planes circle around here all the time, we also have a public lake bordering us, Doesn't bother me at all, I just wave or ignore them whether in a plane or in the boats.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

In my younger days I shared a house with a flying instructor. I sunbathed naked most days during the summer. And my house-mate brought his pupils to fly low over me several times a day. Occasionally I'd turn over to let them see the other side . Sa for passenger aircraft they are usually too high, flying above the clouds most of the time. The times when they are low enough for any detail to be seen on the ground are very short - just take-off and landing.

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

Just smile and wave boys, Just smile and wave!

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RE: Aircraft flying overhead

Ultralights go over here sometimes, just wave.

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