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I thought I was a nudist... until...

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I installed a clear glass shower door recently. I thought, "This is perfect for a nudist like me."
Last week, my in-laws were in town (octogenarians.) While I was showering, I heard the bathroom door open. I looked and saw my father-in-law's head peering in at me. Then he entered and walked across the bathroom in his underwear to the enclosed toilet area. He was there for a few seconds, then walked again past me out of the bathroom. I am convinced he was only there to look at me, and I was surprised to find myself upset about this. I figured a true nudist would not be bothered by this at all. Perhaps I am not a true nudist.

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RE:I thought I was a nudist... until...

dhamlick, Your post implies that up to now you have been a perfectly genuine lone nudist and possibly also a social nudist with other nudists. Being seen by a non-nudist is probably a new experience for you and this can be a bit upsetting until you realise that nothing adverse has resulted from it.
Nudism is a broad spectrum of people and you are certainly within it and will find that bing seen is actually no big deal.

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RE:I thought I was a nudist... until...


First of all, I am surprised that you are upset about it having your FIL walked in and like you said, you are sure that his main purpose was just to see you naked. Like John said, you probably is a lone nudist and although in your mind, you think that you are a nudist, you are not comfortable in being seen at all when naked. Because a nudist wouldn't mind at all if someone or a relative or family will see him naked whether it is accidental or purposely done. You mentioned that you are sure that your FIL went in while you are showering is just to see you naked. Did it ever cross your mind that possibly, he is also curious in becoming a nudist? Did it ever occurred that you you may have a conversation with him in the past about being a nudist? On the other hand, why is FIL would want to see you naked? you are the only one who knows the answer or your FIL.

What did happened after that? Did you confront him? Did you guys ever talk about it? What was the discussion about? Since you are 100% that your FIL was there to checked you out naked, why don't you asked him directly and go from there. At least, you will know the answer and you can tell him that you are upset about it so that he will not do it anymore. On the other hand, if he is curious to be a nudist as well, both of you can travel this journey together and until both of can be comfortable as a nudist and who knows, both of you can start exploring in going to nudist resorts or nudist beaches together. I would be happy to do that if that happens to me. As a nudist, it is always nice to spend naked time with other nudist or with someone rather than always being naked alone.

Good luck and give us an update on what happen.

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RE:I thought I was a nudist... until...

I'm probably from a different generation. Back in the day when I was in high school a half century ago, we used to have to have open showers and we would be used to seeing other guys naked. As a wrestler, we would weigh in buck naked in front of coaches, officials and the other wrestlers. Being naked in front of other guys wasn't a big deal. I'd bet your father in law is of the same generation as myself, and being a similar age, he probably just needed to pee. And when you gotta go, you gotta go NOW!

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RE:I thought I was a nudist... until...

Nahhh Ur a nudist I think he probably caught you off guard because U probably wasn't actually expecting him to enter. Look at it like this, at least you know he isn't bothered by it so you don't have to worry, and walk around however you feel.

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RE:I thought I was a nudist... until...

Nahhh Ur a nudist I think he probably caught you off guard because U probably wasn't actually expecting him to enter. Look at it like this, at least you know he isn't bothered by it so you don't have to worry, and walk around however you feel.

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RE:I thought I was a nudist... until...

Nahhh Ur a nudist I think he probably caught you off guard because U probably wasn't actually expecting him to enter. Look at it like this, at least you know he isn't bothered by it so you don't have to worry, and walk around however you feel.

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RE:I thought I was a nudist... until...

Context is everything even a genuine nudist can feel uncountable if they are being gawked, leered or stared at. Being comfortable naked around other people doesnt mean the gaze of others should be unrestricted even if everyone is naked. One of the foundational naturist principles is the moderation of the gaze.

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RE:I thought I was a nudist... until...

Dude I wouldn't sweat it. You are taking a shower, he comes in to go pee. He has to know you are nude. I don't check out other men, some men do. If he continues to do it, ask him if he likes what he sees.

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