Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

WHY do people kept there profiles privite.

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Why be on this site if nobody can see your profile and can't be friends with you if you are privite and why don't people have pictures of them selfs I don't like to be friends with people I don't know what they look like.

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RE: WHY do people kept there profiles privite.

private profiles on a social site seems like a contradiction in itself.

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RE: WHY do people kept there profiles privite.

Why be on this site if nobody can see your profile and can't be friends with you if you are privite and why don't people have pictures of them selfs I don't like to be friends with people I don't know what they look like.

I understand what you're saying but I'm a home nudist, wife is not and no one in my circle is nudist.
A lot of people have reported their naked pictures being taken away from here and posted on Tumblr and other sites.
For now, I have no issues shaking my body here and to you or others on here but it's those who are not true nudists (no pun intended) that ruin it. I would totally show my face if I knew my naked pix would not be all over the damn internet which could make a conversation about getting a partner to try nudism much harder. Or even worse, a work relationship rocked because of it.
I see both sides of the spectrum and understand both.
Profiles that are fishy to me are those where there is nothing written, pictures look staged or are sexy pictures and add to the fact that they are not certified.
If someone fills their profile and have no pix but are certified, I have no problems with their profile.
I agree, private profiles are hard especially if they don't send you a message before asking for a friend request or don't chat in the room or even offer to chat on yahoo, etc. but some do have a valid reason. Others unfortunately are just pervs.

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RE: WHY do people kept there profiles privite.

I respect people's need for privacy - although I suspect that a good portion of the TN members who are hiding behind private profiles are not real nudists.

Private profiles do not facilitate networking - which at least for me is the main advantage and purpose of TN ...

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RE: WHY do people kept there profiles privite.

It's a complete mystery to me, we're all nude under our clothes and it's not shameful to be nude/nudist. The only way to break out of the closet of nudity is by being open and free.

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RE: WHY do people kept there profiles privite.

Pretty sure the ones that keep there profiles private have something to hide. And are here for other reason's then just being a nudist.It could also to hide their insecurities. It should also be each individuals choice as to how much they expose themselves to others on this or another web sites.
So those belly aching about private or sparse profiles need to give it break and let people be who the want to be. Your attitudes are no different to those of textiles who prefer not to allow people to be nude.

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RE: WHY do people kept there profiles privite.

I do think private profiles should not be allowed. OK, people may not want to publish photo's of themselves because of their occupations etc but they can at least publish some details about themselves. Personally I feel very angry when people who have private profiles ask to be my "friends" - sorry but no way!

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RE: WHY do people kept there profiles privite.

I understand keeping photos set for friends only. But making your entire profile private so that people can't even know what country you are in, just seems weird to me. Most sites on the Internet don't even give you that option, and I wish this one wouldn't either. Life's so much better when you are upfront and open people. It really is. Life is too short to hide all the time.I'm guessing that you do not live in a country where you would be arrested and jailed if it was exposed that you are a nudist and have nude photos of yourself on the internet.
I don't either, but some people live in places where they could lose their jobs, maybe even lose their liberty....and in some cases, lose their lives.
People have their reasons. Some are good reasons. So, don't befriend them. Delete their friend requests if they send one to you. It's not the biggest burden in the world, to deny a friend request.

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RE: WHY do people kept there profiles privite.

Pretty sure the ones that keep there profiles private have something to hide. And are here for other reason's then just being a nudist.They may very well have something to hide and that doesn't necessarily mean they are here for reasons other than being a nudist. I was under the impression that this site was for nudists. It's called True Nudists, not True Voyeurs. This topic comes up over and over again.
Just because you (generic "you") feel no need to hide anything doesn't mean that everyone else should feel the same way. It doesn't mean everyone else CAN necessarily be that open.
My suggestion...some people keep their profiles private, others only for friends and some have no nude photos showing their faces. My advice...get over it. Don't accept their friend requests and feel free to not send a request to them. There are enough people on this site that you should find friends without the more secretive/shy/cautious people. Keep in mind that when accounts like that are inappropriate (SPAM, SCAM, or simply inappropriate) they can be flagged. This is simply about people not giving you information about themselves and not providing you with nude photos of themselves.
Let's not forget, at one point most of us here were just becoming nudists. This may be the first site they've dared to join, in part because they can "hide" and still find out about being a nudist and learn about it. All this complaining about private accounts, lack of full nude doesn't exactly come off as a welcoming nudist community. It comes off more as a voyeur community. I'm a nudist. Plain and simple. There was a time that I would only get nude in the house when everyone was gone and my heart raced when I heard a car, which wold have been 100 yards down the driveway. I slept in boxers back then, because I didn't know. I'd never skinny-dipped that I could remember.
Now I'm a much stronger nudist and can relax in the nude with other nudists. So I don't post many nude photos and I don't get on chat, but I do chat in person and I am a nudist, and I have this site and some fabulous friends to thank for my progression.
I often wonder about the people that keep brining up complaints about profiles without nude photos or photos of their makes me consider whether they "are here for other reason's then just being a nudist", as you put it.

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RE: WHY do people kept there profiles private.

Well said Londosun. We think in the same way.

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