Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

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Be naked daily is feeling like happy

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I am haapy to live nude daily

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RE: Be naked daily is feeling like happy

I am haapy to live nude dailyo yes only get dressed when got to. all my friends now im a naturist and are happy with it
happy days a

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RE: Be naked daily is feeling like happy

Yes its lovely to live a life wearing just my skin, went out to a farmers market yesterday for a few hours only time I wore clothes in the last 48+ hours.
I go to bed naked, get up naked, have breakfast, check my mail etc naked, would love to be able to go around doing everything naked, but them dang textiles would get upset if I did, even though I don't get upset when they wear what they like.

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RE: Be naked daily is feeling like happy

Welcome aboard! A good way to start is by filling out your profile site so other members can get to know you.

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RE: Be naked daily is feeling like happy

The way we've been living for over 40 years! ;-)

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RE: Be naked daily is feeling like happy

Not sure if "happy" is the best word used to describe but I guess it fits. I am much more comfortable and "happy" when textile free. Nude when possible, textiled when necessary.

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RE: Be naked daily is feeling like happy

Have to admit ... happy isn't a word I'd/we'd use. More like "Being naked daily is feeling like ... normal!" :-)

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RE: Be naked daily is feeling like happy

Its more comfortable and relaxing to be
naked at home..

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RE: Be naked daily is feeling like happy

I was never a smoker - but I can imagine that the need a smoker feels for the next cigarette/pipe/cigar when he/she has not been smoking for a long while is similar to the need I feel when I have been wearing clothes for too long. I guess all addictions are similar ...

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RE: Be naked daily is feeling like happy

living naked is for me a life-style. So, i'm always naked, at home, outdoors, on vacation 24/7. I feel comfortable when i'm naked, alone or with nudist friends...Don't i wish. Maybe one day. With 4 kids in the house all non-nudists I only have when they are not here or asleep which is a few days a week. Always the first one up so get some nude coffee time while checking my emails for work.

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RE: Be naked daily is feeling like happy

Like some other lucky people here being nude at home for me is normal, its how I live year round and have done for many years. I don't really think about it most of the time, its how I am at home, I'm very used to being naked at home, most friends who visit know I'm a nudist and that I'm likely to be naked if they visit. I can't remember the last time I wasn't nude for some of the day apart from while sleeping or showering, I am a daily nudist, or practice nudism daily, if that makes sense. Quite a few friends are nudists as well and are usually nude here too. But when I'm not naked at home it feels wrong, this may be at times when there's a visitor, possibly doing a repair or similar, who is not into nudity.
As soon as they've gone normality returns and I'm nude again, thats when I really appreciate how happy I am when compared to wearing clothing. Its probably down to taking for it grated that I'll be naked at home, it really is so very normal, that when I can't be nude that I truly appreciate how happy being a nudist makes me. Happy is not the only feeling I gain from being naked daily, life feels right when I'm naked, its the natural way to be.

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