Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Nude vs textile

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I've been thinking about this for a while now. I enjoy what I do at work extremely. My problem is getting up, putting on my uniform and going to work. I've decided that the fact that I have to dress, is bringing me down. It's a rare occasion that I have clothes on at home, unless Suzie wants to go out, that is.

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RE: Nude vs textile

I think that like most naturist once you have started there is no going back i know that these days i prefer to be naked as much as possible find it more natural and relaxing. The more you are naked the more you want and like most would love to find a job that allows me to be naked ( have to join the que lol )I definitely agree with you, I can't imagine not spending as much of life as possible naked, the way I've been used to for much of my life. It's so true about how the more you are naked the more you want to be naked, its the normal way to be and feels so right, especially with like-minded people, being nude is so comfortable and relaxing.
For me there is no real comparison between nude and textile, nude feels good, textile feels bad.

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RE: Nude vs textile

The only thing I dislike more than wearing clothes - is clothes shopping. Perhaps the two are related. I hate buying clothes because I hate wearing them ...

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RE: Nude vs textile

With clothes (textile) and no clothes (nudists) we could not have one without the other. This is why we have a passion or frustration with one and/or the other. After my workday I'm like the majority on here and so look forward to getting naked ASAP.
Here here!

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RE: Nude vs textile

The Only Reason That I Wear Clothes is To Keep Warm. If Warm Enough Then I Take them off.

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RE: Nude vs textile

I agree with most everyone here, being textile free is a much more comfortable and natural way to be. However, due to real world situations I have to be textiled when leaving my home. Damn!

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RE: Nude vs textile

. I know that I'll have a great time out there on the golf course with my friend and after I drop him off at his house, I drive away to a spot where I strip and drive home naked. Knowing that the day of golf, a naked drive and being naked the rest of the afternoon and evening is what I look forward to and don't focus on having to wear clothes for part of the day.:DI think this sums it up very well. I'm not naked as much as I would like. Sometimes I'm clothed because I have to be. Sometimes I'm clothed to do something I want to do in the textile world around me. Don't let our passion or being naked make us prisoners in our own homes. And wearing clothes for some of the time makes the naked time more precious, more enjoyable.

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