Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Return to DiscussionsOther nudists that we can truly call "friends" ... about 20 ( 10 couples). Of those, we are closest to 5 couples and those we communicate with regularly, see each other frequently. The other 5 couples we communicate a few times a year, see each other at clubs or resorts, occasionally, and catch up via email or FB.
We have many more acquaintances and communicate via email and see each other on occasion at a resort but we'd probably not consider them "friends" in the same context as the 5 couples we are closest to or the other 5 couples we communicate with. They have our info and we have theirs but there is something lacking in the relationship to truly make them ... "friends."
- How many actual nudist friends do you know in real life? Other then the obvious, clubs, beach, here (tn) where do you think the best place is to make nudist friends??..................since July and moving to Avalon , I have a circle of true friends of over 50 friends and at least 20 are true friends who would go out of their way to help you, nudists are not textiles, and if textiles would learn by the ideals of nudist [honesty, giving not receiving, truthfulness, openness, compassion, ] then the textile world would be like it was 50 years ago................Ruhl
Get out of the house, and go to where other nudists are, and you'll meet other nudists. I've been doing nude beaches and parties for 30 years and wife started when we got together 5 years ago. Most of our friends are nudists. We helped form a group in Dallas which has had as many as 200 members who hold 2-3 house/pool parties per month attracting some 30-50 people to each. We have travelled to resorts and done cruises with our nude friends. Weget together textile with our nude friends. Now, inn Tampa, we'd like to build new friendships with nude COUPLES.