Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Why are people so afraid of nudity
Return to DiscussionsThis is so true ... and the younger people, especially the young women wear the shortest shorts, their butt cheeks are exposed and ... if anyone looks their way, they are a pervert. Why the hell would you wear that if you didn't want people looking at you? My grandfather mentality kicks in and I want to ask them ... did your mother allow you to leave the house that way!? hahahahahaha
Not sure how I could manage to concentrate in school if I were that age again. The bathing suits leave almost nothing to the imagination, yet ... these same young girls act ridiculous at nude beaches. I've seen college age females at our local nude beach and they are wearing g string bottoms and tops that cover their nipples ... but "hell no, we aren't gonna get naked!" Then, after a short while, they will take off the tiny tops and prance around and take topless pictures orI've even seen them take some sexually provocative pictures and send them to friends ... but theyjust won't get naked.
I've actually spoken to some of these college kids and asked them why they would visit this known nude beach but not get naked, not try it or more irritatingly, acted shocked to see nude people or disgusted to see older nude people. They've understood what I was saying. Only a few actually agreed with me and actually moved their towels to a central location and took their suits off. Only had one couple and two young girls come up to us afterwards and thank me for talking to them about it and that they were going to be regulars down there from now on and leave the suits in there rooms.
I don't think people are so much afraid of nudity as they are embarrassed by it. Body image issues and the flood of ads and clothing fashions that make many people feel they just aren't pretty enough, fit enough to be naked. Many people have body image issues because society has bought into the idea that we should ALL look a certain way to do certain things, wear certain things or ... we are misfits and should not be allowed to wear certain things and certainly not be naked!
Apparently no woman is allowed not to have body issues according to the media and other idiots. Check out this article in today's Sacramento Bee titled "Women, bikinis and Serena Williams". The general mindset in this country causing people to feel this way is pathetic.
I have body image issues - I have never been in this bad of shape in my life - I have a huge abdominal hernia from successful colon cancer surgery and then had a complete abdominal wall reconstruction twice and failed both times
Can't exercise much as I can not walk more than a few minutes at a time - Spent 2-3.5 hours a day in pool in winter 4-6 days a week and list no weight
HOWEVER I have gotten old enough to not care what others think, and the less I care what others think the happier I am THEREFORE I'm going to be nude when and where I can
I do hate the way my body looks, have never been in this bad of shape in my life, BUT on the other hand, I enjoy nudity enough, don't give a damn, and am thankful for the true nudists that accept a person without regard to what their nude body looks like so I plan on being bare as much as I can get away with and want to find more nude friends to spend time with and share nude times and not be judged for how I look.....
people will wear clothing that leaves nothing to the imagination but the thought of going nude is taboo.
Its those nasty penises, vaginas and female breasts. Even though many males have bigger breasts than the women...LOL. The breast feeding movement is helping a bit.
Somewhere back in olden days of yore it was decided, Queen Victoria perhaps, that skin was nasty. These people even clothed table legs so people wouldn't have impure thoughts. We have evolved somewhat, but the concept of full nudity is still about nasty thoughts. Besides, with the clothing and swim wear now it can accentuate or hide whatever body parts you choose and we don't see the real you. Those outfits are about exhibitionism.
Basically, people are afraid of the nude body and all its flaws. I worked with a couple of guy who specifically took band so they wouldn't have to go to gym in high school and take a shower. Real people showing real nudity is not pretty to them and you'll hear comments about how they would see too many people who shouldn't be nude int eh first place. I'll save the organized religion guilt trip for another day.
..... The first thing that any nudist will tell you is that it's really not a big deal. After you've gone out and tried it for the first time you realize that it only seems natural.
I very much agree with this. It is easy to get used to being nude with other people, whether its in an all nude environment like a club, or more publicly at a clothing optional beach or something like a WNBR. To me it feels natural to be naked anywhere I can be, no matter who else is around, I don't have issues with others knowing that I'm a nudist, or seeing me naked.
When others aren't in this position, that is when its harder to be open about nudity. Its a shame that textile society often interprets nudity negatively and nudists are placed in positions where their nudism could cause problems, for example - work-related reasons.