Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
So I drove the 25 minutes home at lunch to spend 15 minutes out by the pool, before driving 25 minutes back to work. Totally worth it. (Trying to upload a pic but having troubles.)
Who want to be naked at home?
How is everyone? I'm wondering how many went to the WNBR. Take care, blessings. Sam
Created a new group for those that feel they need to discuss excitement, home group is not the appropriate place. See Admitting to the reality of nudity
I've just had a flash of brilliance (no pun intended)! I've had my FitBit Flex since last October, and I think it's pretty neat. Besides helping to motivate me to be more active, it's also a sleep timer. You tap on it to tell it when...