Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

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go naked at night

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unfortunately many of us live in places where there are no beaches or nudist parks to go to strip and many stripped off at home butsome of you had the courage to go naked at night either the street or the backyardHow was your first experience?

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RE: best site for nudists and naturist

hello... I am a pure naturist and you know how difficult its to find other naturists but thanks to the awesome people at @@ NudistHookup. com @@ for providing an ideal platform for meeting other naturists. all the best.
Sorry, NudistHookUp is NOT a place to meet other nudists. Its a dating site. There IS a difference. You've been here an hour as I type this and you have no info on your profile indicating you're just a shill advertising the website for them.

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RE: go naked at night

I actually do quite often throughout the year. Putting the trash cans out on the curb, getting outta the cars after driving home naked, summer nights naked on the porch with the porch light off, retrieving items out of my car on the driveway.
I'm naked out front at night lots of times now. Back yard ... without question but out front ... as long as I'm pretty sure I won't be seen by neighbors. ;-)

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RE: go naked at night

I like going out nude at night around my home but I really have to be conscious of the motion activated security lights---even my own ha ha.

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RE: site for nudists and naturist

This is purely one of many dating sites belonging to parent company Nudist FriendsMore spam from those folks, just trying to solicit interest here.

Well, when I joined this site is was for dating reasons and that was how this site was advertised, it also has a section in your profile to determine what you are here looking for and Dating and Relationship are two of the options along with platonic friends, networking and casual acquaintances. So to me that means this site is also a dating website, which a lot of people seem to forget.

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RE: go naked at night

many stripped off at home but some of you had the courage to go naked at night either the street or the backyard. How was your first experience?
We rent an old historical house with a front porch that for a time was shielded by shrubbery. If the time was late enough I could sit out on he porch in an old easy chair nude and just enjoy the serenity of the cool night air.
We also used to receive the newspaper very early at around 4:30am and I could walk out on the sidewalk naked to pick it up since most of the neighbors didn't wake up till 5am.
The house we rent also has a small house at the back of the property. Any back yard has been obliterated by a building, so no privacy back there.

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RE: go naked at night

Every night I walk the dogs up and down our dead end street. Sometimes very late and many times have thought about doing it naked maybe carrying a pair of shorts just in case. But I really don't want to go to jail and be labeled a sexual offender so I probably won't. It's not worth the risk and i wouldn't do it for the excitement anyway. Just for feeling of the night air on my nakedness. If it wasn't illegal that I sure would.

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RE: go naked at night

I would love to be outside at night after the sun has gone down but unfortunately I amusually am in bed by 9:30-10 o'clock and it is still light outside here. But the few times I have made it into the dark hours being outside has been great especially since the heat has gone by then and it is comfortable being outside.

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