Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
What is the worst thing you have had to do "Nude at Home"?
Return to DiscussionsAn interesting topic. I'll go with the getting dressed to go out as the worst thing. Especially if you've spent a weekend or similar decent spell of time permanently nude, preferably with others, that Monday morning feeling of restrictive clothing isn't a good one.
Painting nude can be fun, especially if you do it with someone else. Admittedly oil-based paints aren't so good to clean off but it can be easier having a clean up with a partner/friend, make it fun and have communal shower/hose down.
Painting ... I HATE painting. The ONLY thing that makes it doable ... is that I do it naked! ;-)
I love the painting projects now anyway! Before we were married Luann and I talked about this as she like to paint everything and I don't so painting falls in her dept. I can sit on the couch without guilt watching her paint naked. It even gets better when she has a girlfriend come over for a naked painting party.
What is the worst things are getting called out for work and having to get dressed.
Having to get dressed on Monday mornings for work after an all naked weekend.
Textile friends dropping in and the dreaded mad dash for clothes.
Enjoying a nude backyard evening till driven mad by biting mosquitoes having a field day.
I'd go for that type of painting party ... Di and our friends having a naked painting party here. Hell, I'll make the drinks, serve them up and even make lunch and dinner! :D But ... Di doesn't like painting either so, it still falls in my department. Only thing makes it better is that she is my naked helper and brings me drinks, snacks and stands by ... just so I get to look at her, instead of the painted walls! hahahaha
I got out of the shower to answer the phone in the morning after working night shift, So my mind was not really in gear.Then the door bell rang just after I got of the phone.I looked out the window and saw it was the delivery guy with a parcel I'd been waiting for of Ebay.Opened the door and he looked at me strange, then I realised I'd forgotten something.I closed the door, grabbed a towel then continued to do business with the Delivery guy.Alls well that ends well. P.s. Strictly Business.