Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Why so many blank profiles?
Return to DiscussionsI may be off course here, but o;n my update page it list who has become friends with whom. I use this by clicking on the new persons profile hoping we may share some of the same interest and might make a match as friends. However it seems most are blank with just a photo by the username. Why not take 5 min. to fill out a little about yourself and what your interest are? I don't understand is it because they are not who they say they are, ie man posing as a woman or couple? Or is it because they are just that shallow that there is nothing to say? We are not here to collect pictures of naked women, internet is full of that in higher quality and more explicit poses. But it seems to me that is the goal of most of the people here.
TN should allow some fixed period to the users to fill up their profiles and get certified. After this period if some user fails to fill up his profile or do not get certified, his profile should be deleted from the website.There is no point of keeping suck fakes on TN.
I agree, well stated. So easy to fill in a few blanks if if the information is more generic than specific for interests, generic location or even if you prefer private or social nudity. Profiles with N/A for all the information are a bit annoying and I usually just ignore them since you can not discern if there are common interests or if the person is remotely close to being someone you may want to chat or socialize with.
I may be off course here, but o;n my update page it list who has become friends with whom. I use this by clicking on the new persons profile hoping we may share some of the same interest and might make a match as friends. However it seems most are blank with just a photo by the username. Why not take 5 min. to fill out a little about yourself and what your interest are? I don't understand is it because they are not who they say they are, ie man posing as a woman or couple? Or is it because they are just that shallow that there is nothing to say? We are not here to collect pictures of naked women, internet is full of that in higher quality and more explicit poses. But it seems to me that is the goal of most of the people here.
Hi From JUDY.My question is why people block there profiles.If they don't want people to see them why are they on here.Same thing why people have clothes on instead of being naked.I thought they were nudist.
It surprises me how many people seem to participate in groups and in chat, with no profile information and no photos of their own. When somebody says something interesting in a group discussion, I click on their user icon to see if they might have common interests. I am amazed at how many are totally blank. I just ignore them, but they are a pain and make it an uncomfortable place, especially for women on TN. By the way, there seems to be an awful lot of these trolls that start off-topic (inappropriate) discussion threads just to see what reaction they can get from the actual nudists here.
TN should allow some fixed period to the users to fill up their profiles and get certified. After this period if some user fails to fill up his profile or do not get certified, his profile should be deleted from the website.There is no point of keeping suck fakes on TN.
The only way to keep the Fake profile on here is to Say that your the Largest Online Nudist Web Site and you can use their pictures on the Front Portal as you Sign in. There is a lot of profiles that hasn't sign backon here for years. So if they did delete them they may not be the Largest Nudist Web Site. Another words it's a numbers game in order to get more people to sign up and hopefully they would help paid for the service. I just wish they wouldn't use the pictures to entice the peopleto pay for the service. I would use the Chat room and I would give them a One month usage of the service then after that month I would delete them off the service. I just don't think that the people who help pay the company's bills should paid for the dead beatsto be on the Service.
All great ideas and suggestions!! The system should weed out people who don't post photos within a limited time frame. With today's cell phones etc it is easy to take photos. This is a nudist site. Should also not have hidden profiles, they reek of being photo collectors.
I don't know if you consider my profile complete enough, but I try to complete it with as much information as I feel comfortable providing. I don't mind people knowing about some of my information, but things like how much I make, etc. I do not think is necessary, if someone wishes to be my friend I don't think how much I make or what religion, etc. should matter. I am a nudist and that is it. I don't have a picture on my profile because I have a very public job and can not afford for the management or general public to cause problems that would cause me to lose my job. I am in no way ashamed of being a nudist, and if everyone understood and excepted nudist as we know it, I would not have a problem with everyone knowing I am a nudist. I know some people have heard and others should know a lot of employers are searching social sites and not just facebook or twitter, to gather information on perspective or current employee's. Idon't want people to think I amtrolling, I don't ask for pictures, or provide pictures, I don't see the reason for this practice. I don't care what people look like or think they should care what I look like,I am a nudist and if someone wants to be a nudist friend of mine that is fine, and if not that is ok too. I havenumerous nudist friend'ssome are just computer friend's, some are friend's that we actually get together for nude socializing. I also am an officer of our local nudist club(Niagara Naturist) and we have 20 members, and have several nude activities each year. So if you don't think my is complete enough, or the fact I don't provide a picture is a reason to not want chat or be friends with me that is ok.I hope everyone has a great day!CRNUDE