Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Seen by neighbors?
Return to DiscussionsHave any of your neighbors seen you nude at home through a window? Can your neighbors call the police on you if they see you nude in your home? The other day I was walking through my kitchen past a window that doesn't have a blind on it and I think my neighbor in the next building may have seen me nude. So I'm assuming they didn't notice or if they did, they didn't bother to call the police.
I dont think they can call the police....I do it all the time, on purpose!!! Hope someone sees me!!
Alrighty then. Not that I'm trying to flash my neighbors but I'm not going to be preoccupied with the fact I have one window in my apartment I can't get blinds that fit.
I'm not sure they can call the police if you're just walking around nude in your own home. They might say something if you're outside, but doubtful unless you're doing something they'd consider objectionable. I walk around nude in my house all the time with the shades toward the back of the house open and the windows open. The only way anyone is going to see anything is if they're trying to.
I agree!
I'm not sure they can call the police if you're just walking around nude in your own home. They might say something if you're outside, but doubtful unless you're doing something they'd consider objectionable. I walk around nude in my house all the time with the shades toward the back of the house open and the windows open. The only way anyone is going to see anything is if they're trying to.
I agree!
They can call the police, but whether the police will do anything depends on the laws in the area and how it is worded. Public Indecency and Indecent Exposure are two different laws. Public indecency requires proof that you are doing it for sexual reasons, indecent exposure just requires you to be naked, and indecent exposure laws include nudity where the public could see you (including your home)
Had you been in the window "shaking your junk" in front of the window they might have a complaint. But simply catching a glimpse of someone is not reason for police action. Relax on that. However, you do seem concerned about offending your neighbors so getting those blinds would be a good idea.
I would think the neighbor could call the police. However, I would think that it depends on the what the laws are in the area you live in, how those laws are interrupted, and if the police officer's who respond to the call feel that the law has been broken, as well as if the broken law should result in any type of action. So the best advice I wouldthink is use caution so that your neighbor does not continue to see you nude.I would not stop being a nudist or being nude in my home, but would be sure to stay away from that window until you get some curtains or blinds for the window. If it is impossible to avoid the window then I would put a sheet, blanket, or something to block the window till I got the curtains or blinds.
This discussion got me thinking again about how I believe a lot of the non-acceptance and views by society that nudism is something that only perverts do is self caused by the nudists themselves. Most of us are afraid of being arrested, hassled, labeled, etc. to the point where we hide in the dark, shadows, behind curtains, etc. so we begin to just automatically think that you could get in trouble and society sees the fear and hears of the hiding thus building the perception that it is wrong. In many (obviously not all) situations and places that is not the case and it is not illegal. Like a few have said here it depends upon the law in their area which most people fail to actually check into.
It can vary by local ordinances but in California the Indecent Exposure law is thatdefendant willfully exposed his or her person or private parts AND the defendant must have intended to act for a lewd or obscene purpose. The prosecutor can establish intent by showing that the defendant intended to direct public attention to the defendant's genitals or that the defendant wanted to achieve sexual arousal, sexual gratification, or sexual affront. In other words, if I'm minding my own business say gardening then it is not indecent exposure.
Now, am I one of those people that I say am helping create the problem...yes. I am not about to go test it by going out in the front yard and working on my yard nude and offend the neighbors. However, I do wander my backyard nude and two 2 story homes overlook the yard. Neither neighbor has complained.
Most importantly, check the laws in your state and local area. I'm sure world-wide they range probably from it's fine to you might be arrested if someone saw you naked in your own home and they were in the home too.
We live in an apartment in Arizona. We had the police come over twice in about 8 days. The first time, someone called (anonymously of course) and said they could see my lady naked in the apartment. The blinds were open about a foot maybe 18 inches. The only thing I can think of is they saw her walk by the window towards the kitchen. The second time, the police said the same thing. The only difference this time was that she was asleep and COULDN'T have been walking around.I shouldn't neglect to mention that we live on the second floor. Really if anyone anything, they would have to have been in the right place at the right time.
To actually answer your question: Yes, neighbors can call the police. In our case, nothing was done and we were told we weren't doing anything illegal. I found out the caller wasanonymous because the second time, I asked about pressing charges against a pepping tom.
Actually, there was a man who was reported to the police and being seen naked in his own house and he was convicted of a crime.
Yeah ... been seen by probably every neighbor we've had over the last 41+ years ... that's how long we've been nudists and living our life the way we want. We are wise enough to know a bit about physics. It's all in how you turn your blinds in different rooms, closing them slightly or shutting them completely,when it's dark outside and you have lights on inside the house. We've tested the ability for passersby to see inside our home during the day and at night and have come up with a routine for our blinds where we are not completely shut in and closed off from the outside but aren't flaunting our nudity to those that may be out for a walk.
As far as the backyard goes; it's our opinion that our backyard is and should be private and our privacy should be respected. Just because someone has a 2 story home next door or across the street, does not give them the right to look into my backyard and criticize or complaint about a way of life or activity that is not illegal. That is the way we've lived at each home we've rented and owned with a backyard and to date ... we've never had the cops come to our home or have a neighbor complain.
Because we are naked at home almost always ... there have been times when the blinds were not turned down and opened fully and I've been at the computer and was called to the other room. I got up and with the desk light on and computer screen light ... I was exposed to others walking outside. The thing is ... I just continue doing what I'm doing, walking where I was walking and do not try and hide or hesitate with what I'm doing, while naked. I prefer to do that then to walk up to the open blinds, naked, stand and turn the blinds down while others are walking by. It's more natural to just get up and walk to the other room as if theyaren't even there. This is the way we live and I think most people can tell the difference between someone simply living naked and someone that is an exhibitionist and exposing themselves to their neighbors for other reasons.
Our current neighbors have most certainly seen us and I've seen her topless. Luckily, my view of her was truly by accident but I've got her spying on us from an upstairs window. After I caught her the first time, she shut the shutters on that room and kept them shut for almost two years. They'd been opened periodically for a short time by then closed again. Nowadays ... those shutters are open all the time and we're still out back naked on a daily basis and they are still friendly and no cops ... ever. Respect is a two way street. As long as you're not being lewd, there should not be any reason for any neighbor to call the cops on their nude neighbors in their own home.