Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Getting dressed for the house cleaners

For about 10 years now, every couple weeks several ladies from a cleaning service come to our house to clean for a couple hours. They have a key and several times them have almost surprised me and come into to the house to work when I was naked. So...

Why so many blank profiles?

I may be off course here, but o;n my update page it list who has become friends with whom. I use this by clicking on the new persons profile hoping we may share some of the same interest and might make a match as friends. However it seems most are...


Hello, any members here in Western Australia ?

nudist not exhibitionist

My 2 female friends are being asked to show skin. if that is why people joined a nudist site we feel they are in the wrong place. to us even wanting to be free of clothes and don't see anything wrong with the human body of any shape there is a...


All ways nude at home it feels good to have nothing on.

Ice and snow storm

Hi From JUDY.We are getting a ice and snow storm in Evansville Indiana tonight about 7PM.I work till midnight.I hope I don't get stuck at work all night.I wish I was Off today where I could be home warm and naked.


Here both love naked in home. Summer time in home only naked !!!


Hi Ice and snow how are you

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