Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
response: nudist not exhibitionist
Return to DiscussionsI hope you are not putting all your eggs in one basket. I am a nudist and being that I enjoy meeting and sharing with fellow nudists, which Iunderstand are nude and are male and female members. I don't sit around and 'pound my sausage' when I look at an attractive female, as I don't sit around and "pound my sausage" when I see an attractive male. Good lord man, there a millions of porn sites that I am sure pervs would enjoy a lot more than looking at a picture of a female on this site. No offence intended for the ladies on this site. Why would you join a nudist site if you are offended by nudists, we come in both genders. Maybe if you started your own group for "fully clothed nudists who don't want to be nude" you would find a safer haven. Wondering, do your lady friends look at other members pics or just the clothed ones Hmmmmm? You voiced your opinion, I voiced mine, by the way, I wouldn't sign up for your new group.