Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Airplane getting an aerial view

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Hey everyone. I have an issue concerning privacy at home I'd like to get feedback on.
I'll first say I'm very uninhibited about being naked. Getting caught by chance when I'm naked at home doesn't usually bother me. But I have an issue I'm becoming uncomfortable with.
I live in a resort town where it's warm year round so I'm outdoors a lot. I'm up on the side of a mountain with no other homes above me. Since it's totally private I never wear clothes at home inside or when out on the property. So if I'm working outside, using the pool, hiking, or doing anything outdoors, yep, I'm naked.
My problem is there's a local pilot that has a bi-wing plane tour that flies directly over my property at a very low level. On a busy weekend during the winter tourist season the plane can pass over my home several times a day. Luckily it doesn't operate in the summer. It's mainly just weekends during the winter.
The plane gives a scenic tour while also pointing out things of interest. One of these is the estate of a well known celebrity. His home is located just below my property. This is why I'm on the planes flight pattern. At first I didn't really care but now it has begun to annoy me since clearly the pilot knows if I'm outside his passenger will get a view of me buck naked.
I don't mind when an occasional plane or helicopter will buzz my house and see me it's just this tourist plane that does it repeatedly.
If I complain to the bi-wing company, FAA, or whoever I don't think invasion of privacy would be a valid complaint. I'd feel uncomfortable having to explain to these people it's because I'm naked all the time.
I've asked a pilot friend about this and flying a plane 500 ft. over my house is permissible in this situation. Does anyone have any ideas on the best way I can resolve this situation? I don't want to be labeled as the complaining naked guy up on the mountain. Thanks!

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

Back in the 1970's we had a long hot summer and I sunbathed daily in my garden. I shared the house with a flying instructor who regularly took his pupils over our garden as I sunbathed. I just thought of it as a bit of fun. I don't mind who sees me naked as long as they don't mind my nudity. So, for me, it wouldn't be a problem even if the tourists took photos and those photos got out. But I know many others do not feel this way. I remember a pilot flying low repeatedly over a nudist beach in Spain. We all came out and blatantly took photos of him. The planecould easily beidentified in the photos. He soon went away.

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

Hi, Sail,
As a private pilot, I can understand your concerns. Indeed, since it is a "sparsely populated area," the biplane is legally allowed to fly no lower than 500' above ground level (AGL). Therefore, so long as the pilot claims he was that high, the FAA won't get involved.
That said, I do understand your question. Not knowing the terrain, perhaps you can message me precisely where you live, so I can look at sectional charts (maps), and other resources to see if there is possibly another route, which I could then forward to you.
Armed with that, you could possibly visit with the aviation services provider, and ask him to try the alternate route.
Grace and peace,

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

I think I would be more annoyed at any noise of the plane flying over and breaking the quiet solitude than of them seeing me outside naked. Any passengers would not know who I am and the pilot probably would not either so it would be just some anonymous stranger they happen to see nude outdoors. In that situation, I may even take a humorous side to it and wave to everyone if I happen to be outside. I am also able to enjoy my yard naked and if a helicopter or plane happens to fly close by where they may be able to see me, I just figure I am enjoying my own private property and they are the one's invading my private space by using the air space. It certainly doesn't happen frequently or repeatedly like it does with your location.

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

I wave at the helicopters and hot air balloons that fly over my place when I am outside naked. I have flown a lot myself, sometimes in ultralight craft where you have an excellent view of everything. USUALLY, you are not even paying that close attention to what is right below you unless you are looking for something specific. So I doubt that most of the folks flying over even see me.
One morning a group of balloons were flying so low over the yard that I could see their faces clearly and hear everything they said. I waved, and a few seconds later, I started seeing flashes going off. Apparently they were taking pictures of me. That was a couple of years ago, and that was the last group of balloons that flew over my yard that low. Maybe I broke their cameras ;)
While camping naked in a nearby National Forest, I had a helicopter drop a bucket into the water right next to my campsite to fight a nearby fire. They came and went over the next couple of hours. They showed no sign of seeing me - they were probably too fixated on getting their water. In that same area a few years later, a military helicopter flew by just over treetop level, then turned and hovered right next to the campsite. I waved at the crew and did not try to hide the fact that I was naked. What they saw, they saw.
I think there's a certain sense that when you fly small craft, you will see things others don't see. The occaisional naked person just makes for good stories back at the hanger.

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

I, too, live in an area where it is possible to spend many of my outside hours nude. There is a small community airport about 3 straight-line miles from my home and they have numerous training sessions and "fly-ins" during the summer. The flight pattern often is right over my house, but I've decided that them seeing me naked isn't my problem and if it causes them concern, they can alter their flight pattern. Usually, I'll just ignore them.

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

Hey everyone. I have an issue concerning privacy at home I'd like to get feedback on ...If I complain to the bi-wing company, FAA, or whoever I don't think invasion of privacy would be a valid complaint. I'd feel uncomfortable having to explain to these people it's because I'm naked all the time. ...Thanks!In my opinion, yes you do have a valid complaint and you should send a letter or contact the bi-wing company and maybe even the pilot.With the approach that "you'd hope he/they, would respect your privacy and perhaps find a alternate route so you can have that privacy and less noise from the plane for you and your guests.
I like to try and settle things with the offenders first and you're not really lodging a "complaint" as much as you're trying to work out a situation that benefits both parties and most importantly, gives you the privacy you are entitled to.
We have a police helicopter that flies over our development quite frequently. Like you, I'm always out in the backyard naked. They've buzzed around and around and obviously seen me doing things or just sunning but ... never a visit from the cops and I don't pay much attention to them anymore. What reaction do you have when the bi wing plane flies over? Is it something that this particular pilot enjoys? Does he get a rise outta you and you react in a way that he gets fun out of annoying you?

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

Thanks everyone for the input so far, much appreciated!
As I mentioned I don't have an issue with the occasional plane or helicopter seeing me. I've even had them veer off course or come back around for a closer look. This is a very nudist friendly town and I know for a fact that local pilots see naked people all the time. What I don't like is I feeling as if I'm becoming an attraction for this biplane pilot and his tourist passenger. So waving would seem to encourage it all.
I'll note that I'm very near a natural scenic attraction and why aircraft occasionally fly over my property at a low level. This is also why the biplane passes over me after he flies over the celebrity's property below me. But he could easily avoid coming over my property by slightly adjusting his flight path in a different direction.
Billybcgn25, thanks for the offer for advice as a pilot. I'll message you the info.
Haven't had him flying over today yet. Is it bad to hope maybe he's grounded for awhile with mechanical problems?

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

The planes would have to be flying pretty low to get any kind of detail. From 500 feet and above nudity itself doesn't read well. Someone would need a steady hand with a zoom lens and clear intent to get any kind of view. I doubt you are in any kind of danger other than the simple nuisance of the plane being there.

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

I think the nearby celebrity has more reason to object to the tourists continually flying over than you do. You live near them so maybe you should be prepared for this sort of activity. Why not just enjoy and wave at them. They are more interested in the celebrity anyhow.

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

Thanks again.
The celebrity's property is about 500-600 ft. lower than my elevation so when the plane buzzes my property he's much closer to me. I figure if I can clearly see the pilot and his passenger that they can see me too. Plus I'm in the desert with only palm trees and low landscaping so I'm in very plain site most anywhere on the property.

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