Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Airplane getting an aerial view

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Hey everyone. I have an issue concerning privacy at home I'd like to get feedback on.
I'll first say I'm very uninhibited about being naked. Getting caught by chance when I'm naked at home doesn't usually bother me. But I have an issue I'm becoming uncomfortable with.
I live in a resort town where it's warm year round so I'm outdoors a lot. I'm up on the side of a mountain with no other homes above me. Since it's totally private I never wear clothes at home inside or when out on the property. So if I'm working outside, using the pool, hiking, or doing anything outdoors, yep, I'm naked.
My problem is there's a local pilot that has a bi-wing plane tour that flies directly over my property at a very low level. On a busy weekend during the winter tourist season the plane can pass over my home several times a day. Luckily it doesn't operate in the summer. It's mainly just weekends during the winter.
The plane gives a scenic tour while also pointing out things of interest. One of these is the estate of a well known celebrity. His home is located just below my property. This is why I'm on the planes flight pattern. At first I didn't really care but now it has begun to annoy me since clearly the pilot knows if I'm outside his passenger will get a view of me buck naked.
I don't mind when an occasional plane or helicopter will buzz my house and see me it's just this tourist plane that does it repeatedly.
If I complain to the bi-wing company, FAA, or whoever I don't think invasion of privacy would be a valid complaint. I'd feel uncomfortable having to explain to these people it's because I'm naked all the time.
I've asked a pilot friend about this and flying a plane 500 ft. over my house is permissible in this situation. Does anyone have any ideas on the best way I can resolve this situation? I don't want to be labeled as the complaining naked guy up on the mountain. Thanks!

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

Hey everyone. I have an issue concerning privacy at home I'd like to get feedback on.I'll first say I'm very uninhibited about being naked. Getting caught by chance when I'm naked at home doesn't usually bother me. But I have an issue I'm becoming uncomfortable with.I live in a resort town where it's warm year round so I'm outdoors a lot. I'm up on the side of a mountain with no other homes above me. Since it's totally private I never wear clothes at home inside or when out on the property. So if I'm working outside, using the pool, hiking, or doing anything outdoors, yep, I'm naked.My problem is there's a local pilot that has a bi-wing plane tour that flies directly over my property at a very low level. On a busy weekend during the winter tourist season the plane can pass over my home several times a day. Luckily it doesn't operate in the summer. It's mainly just weekends during the winter.The plane gives a scenic tour while also pointing out things of interest. One of these is the estate of a well known celebrity. His home is located just below my property. This is why I'm on the planes flight pattern. At first I didn't really care but now it has begun to annoy me since clearly the pilot knows if I'm outside his passenger will get a view of me buck naked.I don't mind when an occasional plane or helicopter will buzz my house and see me it's just this tourist plane that does it repeatedly.If I complain to the bi-wing company, FAA, or whoever I don't think invasion of privacy would be a valid complaint. I'd feel uncomfortable having to explain to these people it's because I'm naked all the time.I've asked a pilot friend about this and flying a plane 500 ft. over my house is permissible in this situation. Does anyone have any ideas on the best way I can resolve this situation? I don't want to be labeled as the complaining naked guy up on the mountain. Thanks!

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

FAA requires a minimum of 1000 ft altitude. Perhaps a report to FAA. We have Police, fire and other helicopters flying over us when I'm naked in the backyard (which is often). I wave and they circle and my friends all wave too. For me no big deal.Hey everyone. I have an issue concerning privacy at home I'd like to get feedback on.I'll first say I'm very uninhibited about being naked. Getting caught by chance when I'm naked at home doesn't usually bother me. But I have an issue I'm becoming uncomfortable with.I live in a resort town where it's warm year round so I'm outdoors a lot. I'm up on the side of a mountain with no other homes above me. Since it's totally private I never wear clothes at home inside or when out on the property. So if I'm working outside, using the pool, hiking, or doing anything outdoors, yep, I'm naked.My problem is there's a local pilot that has a bi-wing plane tour that flies directly over my property at a very low level. On a busy weekend during the winter tourist season the plane can pass over my home several times a day. Luckily it doesn't operate in the summer. It's mainly just weekends during the winter.The plane gives a scenic tour while also pointing out things of interest. One of these is the estate of a well known celebrity. His home is located just below my property. This is why I'm on the planes flight pattern. At first I didn't really care but now it has begun to annoy me since clearly the pilot knows if I'm outside his passenger will get a view of me buck naked.I don't mind when an occasional plane or helicopter will buzz my house and see me it's just this tourist plane that does it repeatedly.If I complain to the bi-wing company, FAA, or whoever I don't think invasion of privacy would be a valid complaint. I'd feel uncomfortable having to explain to these people it's because I'm naked all the time.I've asked a pilot friend about this and flying a plane 500 ft. over my house is permissible in this situation. Does anyone have any ideas on the best way I can resolve this situation? I don't want to be labeled as the complaining naked guy up on the mountain. Thanks!

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

it has never failed every nudist camp i have visited or belong to in georgia must be posted at local airports because every suuny day you could expect a visit. i remember one time a army huey helicopter flew over and came back and hovered above the pool on a busy saturday - no doubt they got a eyeful. i have them fly over house occasional but not so low so unless your worried about them crashing into your property i wouldn't worry about it and heck you may even convert someone when they see how much more comfortable it is to be nude outside.

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

You live in Palm Springs where the Terra Cotta and other resorts are located. Once I saw on the Travel Channel there used to be paid nude hiking tours in the desert. I would think people might expect a bit of nudity out in that area. Of course, tourists from Kansas might not expect it so much. Then again this pilot may be flying over many more homes with people nude in their back yards and pools. You just don't know it.
They have no idea who you are. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just pretend you're oblivious to them and go about your business. You're probably just an entertaining distraction to them.

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

Thanks for your story Campingbare. When sailing with friends and anchored off a secluded cove we made it clear that we were naked to any approaching yacht. Some turned away and others anchored nearby. They had no objection to our skinny-dipping.
I've been on various nude beaches where textiles have come close. One was a whole boat load of scuba divers who swam around us, then came ashore. My approach is that if I'm there first, and not breaking any laws by being naked, they can chose to come near or not as they wish. Bu then, I did stand naked on the track side and wave at a passing express train.
As you say: why not celebrate your nakedness?

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

Have you ever thought about taking the plane trip yourself, just to see what the pilot may be directing attention to for his passengers? It may be worth investing the money in the trip to see if there is any mention of you or any other local nudists that may or not be present when the fly by occurs. Since he may not know who you are you may be assumed to be a regular tourist, and treat you as such. Then you can see things from his perspective, to find out if you are a point of interest in his flight plan. If nothing is mentioned of your residence during your flight, then it may be the same with the other flights that you are so concerned about. If you can afford to book a tour with him, then it may be worth your while to put your mind at rest about this or to increase your awareness of what is taking place on these tours. Who knows, you might find out about other nudists in your area that you can meet up with to discuss this issue about the tour flights or at least have someone to talk with about it.
If something were to upset you during the flight, don't say anything while airborne, this will likely cause the pilot to deviate from his routine. Just go along to see what all is going on with these flights before you decide what to do further about them. Just act like John Q. Tourist during the entire event to find out what is going on during the flights.

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

Yes, you can put up several tether weather balloons over your property about 2000 feet up.
Not sure how practical that will be, but you might check and see.
good luck

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

We live in a rural setting in a smaller town. That being said it's where everyone know your name just like the "Cheers" theme song. Being a nudist if your in business has to stay on the down-low. If it were not in our case we wouldn't care. We happen to be in a runway path just two miles away from the airport. We know many pilots, a couple homemade helicopter owners, balloon pilot ect. After a couple years Luann just seemed to ignore them or at least didnt run for cover.
I was concerned at first and questioned a series of weekend low fly overs by the same plane to a guy i knew well that was an airport board member. Heard a big dumb act response basically. Believe me I have been up in HIS plane. And yes like very many out there, naked people are a hoot to catch. Why else would there be so many fly overs at our nudist camp?

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

Had a plane fly over this past summer looks like they got a good view !!

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RE: Airplane getting an aerial view

Hi, Sail,As a private pilot, I can understand your concerns. Indeed, since it is a "sparsely populated area," the biplane is legally allowed to fly no lower than 500' above ground level (AGL). Therefore, so long as the pilot claims he was that high, the FAA won't get involved. That said, I do understand your question. Not knowing the terrain, perhaps you can message me precisely where you live, so I can look at sectional charts (maps), and other resources to see if there is possibly another route, which I could then forward to you. Armed with that, you could possibly visit with the aviation services provider, and ask him to try the alternate route. Grace and peace,JimI agree with Jim. I'm a Pvt Pilot, too, and chances are the pilot and his/her passengers are more focused on the celebrity's house and not yours, or your nudity. I'd ignore it and if they wave their wings at you, wave back! Trust me, even at 500 Ft, they're not going to see "anything".... One of my female friends used to sunbathe topless when she knew I was going flying. She used to wave her top at me as I passed.. that's as close as I ever got to seeing those puppies up close and personal.... (Drat!)Stay naked!

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