Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Airplane getting an aerial view
Return to DiscussionsHey everyone. I have an issue concerning privacy at home I'd like to get feedback on.
I'll first say I'm very uninhibited about being naked. Getting caught by chance when I'm naked at home doesn't usually bother me. But I have an issue I'm becoming uncomfortable with.
I live in a resort town where it's warm year round so I'm outdoors a lot. I'm up on the side of a mountain with no other homes above me. Since it's totally private I never wear clothes at home inside or when out on the property. So if I'm working outside, using the pool, hiking, or doing anything outdoors, yep, I'm naked.
My problem is there's a local pilot that has a bi-wing plane tour that flies directly over my property at a very low level. On a busy weekend during the winter tourist season the plane can pass over my home several times a day. Luckily it doesn't operate in the summer. It's mainly just weekends during the winter.
The plane gives a scenic tour while also pointing out things of interest. One of these is the estate of a well known celebrity. His home is located just below my property. This is why I'm on the planes flight pattern. At first I didn't really care but now it has begun to annoy me since clearly the pilot knows if I'm outside his passenger will get a view of me buck naked.
I don't mind when an occasional plane or helicopter will buzz my house and see me it's just this tourist plane that does it repeatedly.
If I complain to the bi-wing company, FAA, or whoever I don't think invasion of privacy would be a valid complaint. I'd feel uncomfortable having to explain to these people it's because I'm naked all the time.
I've asked a pilot friend about this and flying a plane 500 ft. over my house is permissible in this situation. Does anyone have any ideas on the best way I can resolve this situation? I don't want to be labeled as the complaining naked guy up on the mountain. Thanks!
Over the last couple of years there has been a noticeable increase in small planes from a local airfield flying over a nudist beach we visit often. Some are very low and unless they have lots of the same planes, marked exactly the same, one or two seem to pass over a few times every time I am there. I've never noticed anyone with cameras, they are close enough that we'd probably see that. It doesn't bother me if they're there to look at nudists as I don't care who sees me naked and its an accepted nudist place, some other regulars aren't so keen on that. Being a tourist attraction due to our nudity from the air isn't as bad as being gawked at from nearby bushes or more blatantly by close walk-bys by textile 'tourists'. The noise intrusion isn't appreciated though, it does intrude in a wild and natural place, but maybe the pilots are looking at the natural scenery?! If so being naked in nature is very natural in my view, maybe they are just jealous that we know how to appreciate nature in the best way?!
My local airport has flight schools, both fixed wing and rotary. I seem to be on their normal flight path. My feeling is that being naked on my deck isn't a crime. I doubt they could see much anyway from that distance, and I don't really care if they do. Certainly the cops won't be called if someone was offended that I was naked as they fly by.
Had a plane fly over this past summer looks like they got a good view !!]
A little confusing. The link is for my gallery pictures.
Yes, you can put up several tether weather balloons over your property about 2000 feet up.Not sure how practical that will be, but you might check and see.good luckMichael
I thought of that too! Definitely and option if it continues to bother you. I've been on the nude beach when someone in one of those sit in one man parachute vehicles have flown by. Also been out surfing there again nude when boaters went by pretty close. No worries!
Campingbare, Sorry to confuseyou. I thought the picture ID was unique. Got any pointers on posting pictures in posts? When I click the link I get a picture of my boat.