Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

How to be naked at home with people visiting?

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Hey all. New to this group. I came here because as everyone else, I love to be naked at home. But it is difficult having to wear clothes when having people over. How do you people do it? How do you start the conversation with the guests about wanting to be naked at home?

For those who were able to be naked at home with guest, did it ever happened another guest was secretly a nudist and or tried to go nude with you?


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RE:How to be naked at home with people visiting?

The way that has worked for me to have a hot tub with the house rules posted. 1. use common sense 2. no swimsuits allowed
I have found that a hot tub is a great ice breaker to suggest social nudity. Over the years I have had many a friend agree to strip to soak
then once we are out i stay bare they sometimes dress or sometimes stay bare themselves. The next time they come I am often in the buff from the get go, since they have already seen everything.

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RE:How to be naked at home with people visiting?

It all depends on the specific circumstances, in my experience. Most people you might invite to your home should to a degree already be a known quantity. If you are inviting strangers you just met to your home, respecting them by not removing your clothes immediately is expected. Not everyone you invite will know you are a home nudist, but the conversation should be included before you offer the invitation or there will probably be hurt feelings or worse. It isn't that difficult to approach the subject of home nudism with a stranger who ends up being someone who you'd like to be friends with. Making sure they aren't getting the impression that you want more than simple social nudity may end up being more of an embarrassment for you than them if you can't make yourself crystal clear. And maybe you need to assess your intentions completely first. What reason do you have for having them over without them knowing you are a full time home nudist? Exhibitionism and nudism aren't the same, though people in general, more often than not, believe just that.

The clothed world will typically not accept nudism as anything more than a come-on, a prelude to some sensuous activity. Unless you want to embarrass or upset new friends, slip into something more comfortable rather than seat them in the livingroom and come back from the kitchen with a bottle of wine and glasses and nothing else. I've walked in on friends who were nude when I came back from the bathroom - it was a joke and we all laughed, but there was foreknowledge of our openness and alcohol aplenty in us. No one was offended because everyone was in on it.

If you are entertaining new friends who do not know you very well, a light, covering garment that only gives a glimpse of what is underneath is appropriate. Never expect acceptance if you're going for the full montie within minutes of their arrival. Water sports in the way of a hot tub or soaking pool surely can hurry the process along. I have spent a lovely evening with another couple who had a small pool they invited me to get in with them nude before dark, and when it got cooler and they put some clothes on, they didn't offer any complaints about me remaining nude as we ate and drank well into the night. They called me a professional nudist, and I suppose they weren't wrong ~ and that was years before I took the job in the office here at our nude resort!

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RE:How to be naked at home with people visiting?

Totally agree Will, great advice and a well thought through response! :)

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RE:How to be naked at home with people visiting?

I agree that a hot tub is a great way to ease people into nudity. We don't allow suits in our tub and I'm amazed at the number of non-nudist people are ok with hot tubbing in the buff. We also have a sauna and an outdoor shower that can work as well.

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RE:How to be naked at home with people visiting?

Very thoughtful and clear response. Hopefully it will be read and taken to heart. Many on here seem to think in absolute terms as it relates to there expression of nudity. Some as you point out seem to think exhibitionism and showing your body of to others is a part of nudism, which you rightly point out it is not.

It all depends on the specific circumstances, in my experience. Most people you might invite to your home should to a degree already be a known quantity. If you are inviting strangers you just met to your home, respecting them by not removing your clothes immediately is expected. Not everyone you invite will know you are a home nudist, but the conversation should be included before you offer the invitation or there will probably be hurt feelings or worse. It isn't that difficult to approach the subject of home nudism with a stranger who ends up being someone who you'd like to be friends with. Making sure they aren't getting the impression that you want more than simple social nudity may end up being more of an embarrassment for you than them if you can't make yourself crystal clear. And maybe you need to assess your intentions completely first. What reason do you have for having them over without them knowing you are a full time home nudist? Exhibitionism and nudism aren't the same, though people in general, more often than not, believe just that.

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RE:How to be naked at home with people visiting?

Thank you, gents - it is nice to be read and heard.

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RE:How to be naked at home with people visiting?


Well explained. It's important to respect others, even though you may have an inkling they will be OK with nudity, but you may be wrong. In our modern world where body consciousness seems such an issue we shouldn't just assume, but respect is a good thing.

Cheers, SBN

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RE:How to be naked at home with people visiting?

I was visiting a good friend who's originally from Turkey and Muslim by faith. He's complained to me about how his upbringing has ruined him for life as far as modest clothing goes, that he's indoctrinated to think he'll catch a cold if he wears shorts in the summer. But he's open-minded and knows and trusts me well. including how I've lived in naked-friendly European countries. So we were staying in a small apartment and I got home after a long hike and took a shower. I was warm and wanted to air dry and came out completely naked with the towel over my shoulder, talking casually as if it were the most natural thing in the world for me, which it is. I could tell he was shocked and felt awkward but he was willing to go with it as I casually got dressed and all was well. The next day he was willing to go even more wild and drank a beer with me, which is quite a stretch for a pious Muslim.

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RE:How to be naked at home with people visiting?

From my experience Muslims are very modest while in groups of fellow Muslims, but when one on one with a non Muslim are often open to casual nudity . I am glad you were bold with your own nudity around him. Give him a chance he will likely loosen up

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RE:How to be naked at home with people visiting?

I was visiting a good friend who's originally from Turkey and Muslim by faith. He's complained to me about how his upbringing has ruined him for life as far as modest clothing goes, that he's indoctrinated to think he'll catch a cold if he wears shorts in the summer. But he's open-minded and knows and trusts me well. including how I've lived in naked-friendly European countries. So we were staying in a small apartment and I got home after a long hike and took a shower. I was warm and wanted to air dry and came out completely naked with the towel over my shoulder, talking casually as if it were the most natural thing in the world for me, which it is. I could tell he was shocked and felt awkward but he was willing to go with it as I casually got dressed and all was well. The next day he was willing to go even more wild and drank a beer with me, which is quite a stretch for a pious Muslim.

I have a friend who is Muslim and lived in England until he was 16. He was raised with the idea that adult men don't wear shorts. He will be 50 this year and still owns no shorts except for athletic shorts.

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