Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...
We live our life as naked as possible. And, as soon as we walk in the door, off come the clothes. It's just the natural thing! We do it without discussion! Isn't that the norm here? Luckily, we live in Miami Beach--and have year-round naked...
HellomynameisNelsonsingleandnudist ingroupfor5years.I amalwaysnakedinmyhouse,Iamorganizerofthe"CaracasNakedBikeRide"for2yearsinthemonthofJune.NakedgreetingsfromCaracas. Hola mi nombre es Nelson soltero y nudista en grupo desde hace 5 aos....
Just a random post about me. Everyday, it never fails, as soon as I walk in my door and lock it, I strip down completely right there in the doorway. After I'm naked I pick all my stuff up and go on about my business. Feed the fish, clean up,...
With the name of this group including 2014, does that mean it will cease to exist come January 1st 2015? Will the group title mysteriously change to 2015 or what? Will we be required to join again to stay in the group? I bet this was not thought...
My feet stay warm with my house sandals...just walk around and enjoy it....
Last winter we decided to get a hot tub. We tried to decide where to put it. The first thought was on our back deck. The bad thing about having it outside is the cold if you get out of it and rushing back into the house. We finally decided to...
Hey everyone, I'm working on a nude in nature digital painting. I got the figure done and it seems I'm having a little bit of difficulty on choosing a background. any suggestions on what i should use? Let me know what you think, thanks, ...