Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group


we would like to exchange photos. with couples who are also at home naked.Please write us.

Hallo! kalispera!

Anu one from Athens Greece?

Latest Post
HI good morning i am happy i made it one...

is it possible i am looking for a real person with whom i can chill enjoy week ends holidays plz feel free to reply

Hello there

Hello. New to the group, been on the site a while but not very active so I'm trying to change that.

Naked in the door!

We live our life as naked as possible. And, as soon as we walk in the door, off come the clothes. It's just the natural thing! We do it without discussion! Isn't that the norm here? Luckily, we live in Miami Beach--and have year-round naked...


Hi iam new in this group please add me as friends

Latest PostHey Georg.
by Lakeman221 
Western Pennsylvania

Hi - any home nudists from west PA?

Latest PostI'm in Pittsburgh.
by BusyB 
Greeting from Venezuela

HellomynameisNelsonsingleandnudist ingroupfor5years.I amalwaysnakedinmyhouse,Iamorganizerofthe"CaracasNakedBikeRide"for2yearsinthemonthofJune.NakedgreetingsfromCaracas. Hola mi nombre es Nelson soltero y nudista en grupo desde hace 5 aos....

First Things First

Just a random post about me. Everyday, it never fails, as soon as I walk in my door and lock it, I strip down completely right there in the doorway. After I'm naked I pick all my stuff up and go on about my business. Feed the fish, clean up,...