Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

In florida nude in the house is the most comfortable you can be....

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RE: Nude at home

I agree that being nude at home is by far the most comfortable and relaxing way to be, I'm always nude at home unless its very cold and have lived naked at home for many years. I'm sure that Florida is a great place for year round nudity, better that England, but its still perfectly warm enough to be nude indoors today, though I expect Florida will be better for outdoor nudity over the coming months.

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RE: Nude at home

As I've said elsewhere on TN, *now* that I have become interested in nudism, I regret *not* living in Florida anymore....

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RE: Nude at home

Going outdoors, in the nude, is a freeing and liberating experience. For some, winter keeps their nudism indoors and you can actually feel trapped. The ability to go outside naked and let your body breath does wonders to the mind, body and soul. When we bought our current home, I made improvements to our backyard so that we could venture outside naked year round. I need to be naked outside, as does my wife ... the sun and air are much needed elements for the body and mind! ;-)

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RE: Nude at home

In florida nude in the house is the most comfortable you can be....It is getting cooler where I live, KY, but I can still get up in the morning, make my coffee, do some chores, and even spend a little time in my backyard nude. I find as long as I am on my feet and active, the chilly temps are OK, but the minute I sit down and watch TV, or something similar, I get cold very quick. I do value my nude time inside and outside every day very much.

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